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26 Cards in this Set

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approximate ratio of drunk drivers to sober drivers on he road to midnight
2 to 1
3 negative consequences of undergoing alcohol abuse
minor, loss of licence, mark on your record, impeded liver development, stunted growth
3 facts that can influence teen using alcohol.
heredity, peer pressure, family relationships, curiosity, and boredom
what is the most common form of 'drinking and driving'
texting and driving
how many drinks can your body metabolize in one hour?
1 every hour
3 ineffective was to sober up that is often portrayed in the media
slap in the face, eat bread, drink coffee, drink an energy drink, cold shower, exercise, and drink water
approximate number of problem drinkers in the U.S. between the age of 14 & 17
5 million
type of alcohol found in most beverages
blood alcohol content
legal BAC for age 21 and up
BAC for minor
leading cause of mental retardation in US
fetal alcohol syndrome
group of psychoactive drugs that includes alcohol
average % of alcohol in a 1.5 ounce shot of hard alcohol
support group for people ages 12-20 whose parents, other family members, or friends have drinking problems
physical and mental impairment resulting from use of alcohol
condition in which healthy liver tissue is destroyed and replaced with useless scar tissue
dangerous toxic condition that occurs when a person drinks a large amount in a short amount of time
alcohol poising
alcohol related condition in which fat builds up in the liver and cannot be broken down
fatty liver
average percentage of alcohol in a 4 ounce glass of wine
leading cause of deaths among teens in the US
driving while intoxicated
average percentage of alcohol in a beer
period of excessive drinking
binge drinking
legal drinking age
the number of teens who are killed in the U.S. each day in an alcohol related car accident
T or F: drunkenness is different between males and females.. why?
T: size, tolerance, intelligence