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108 Cards in this Set

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Anorexia Nervosa

Views self as fat regardless of weight, intense fear of becoming fat, anxious about losing control, weight less than 85% of normal, feels powerless, obsessive compulsive disorder


recurrent binge eating, followed by vomiting, misuse of laxatives and enemas, depressed mood, anxiety, compulsivity

PICA (persistent eating of non-nutritive food and non-food substances)

Food-cornstarch, baking powder, coffee grounds

Non-food-clay, soils, laundry starch paint chips

Common in pregnant women, children, autism, or cognitive impairment, pts with chronic renal failure, cultural background, iron zinc deficient


Fver, N/V, anorexia, board like abdomen, abd distention and rigidity, increased WBC

Peritonitis risks

Increased pulse, shock, dehydration, pain, decreased bowel sounds, tenderness over involved area.

Peritonitis comes from

abd surgery, ectopic pregnancy, perforation from trauma, ulcer, appendix rupture, diverticulum

Peritonitis tx

Identify cause give abx, iv fluids, decrease abd distention

peritonitis RN care

IVs and electrolyte balance, decrease GI distention, decrease infection process, prevent complications to immobility, pulmonary, fluid balance

Anorexia Nervosa may cause

less than 15% body weight, amenorrhea x3 months

Peritonitis diagnostics

CT, labs, xrays, US

Crohns Disease

a chronic inflammatory disease of the intestines, especially the colon and ileum, associated with ulcers and fistulae.

Crohns disease occurs in

teens to mid 30s second peak after age 60 may be caused by auto immune factors. causes N/V

Crohns disease signs and symptoms

Sever diarrhea, low grade fever, infrequent rectal bleeding, weight loss, sever malabsorption, abd pain and distention, tenderness in RLQ

Crohns Disease late signs and symptoms

dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, anemia

Crohns disease complications

perineal abscesses, intestinal fistulas, peritonitis

Bulimia signs

Increased mood when eating, decreased mood when stopped, generally sleeps after eating, may vomit after binge eating.

Bowel obstruction

mechanical or peralytic blockage in the ileus

HIgher the obstruction the quicker the symptoms

Bowel obstruction

Fecal smell during vomiting

bowel obstruction

Signs of bowel obstruction

abd distention, constipation with failure to pass gas

bowel obstruction bowel sounds

high pitched above area at first then go silent

SIR Hernia

strangulated incarcerated reducible

strangulated hernia

blood supply cut off, emergency surgery needed

Incarcerated Hernia

Hernia trapped outside peritoneal cavity

Reducible Hernia

Hernia moves back into peritoneal cavity

Metabolic syndrome X

factors that lead to diabetes

Metabolic syndrome X factors

Abd obesity, BMI greater than 25, waist for men over40", women over 35"

Hyperglycemia-fasting BS greater than 110, IBW greater than 20%

Hypertension on meds

high lipids on meds


Position upright

Output-adequate hydration

Offer fluids



report results


Size amount


Occult blood



Appendicitis common in

10-12 year olds

Appendicitis symptoms

begins as dull steady pain in periumbilical area, progresses over 4-6 hours and localizes to RLQ, low grade fever, nausea, anorexia

Sudden pain relief may indicate

rupture of appendix, rebound pain or tenderness RLQ at McBurneys point

Diagnose appendicitis

Increased WBC, abd sonogram, exploratory lap

Dumping syndrome occurs

15-30 mins after eating

Dumping syndrome symptoms

weakness, dizziness, vertigo, diaphoresis, tachycardia, abd cramping, self-limiting, epigastric fullness

Dumping syndrome RN interventions

no fluids with meals, no high carbs such as bread, potatoes, pastas

Gastric ulcers

wt loss, acid-normal or hyposecretion, pain half an hour to hour after meals, vomiting, eating increases pain

Stress ulcers

physiological stress, shock, cushing ulcer, brain injury, curlings ulcer extensive burns

Common risk factors for ulcers

Stress, H pylori, alcohol, smoking, gastritis

Duodenal Ulcer most common

well nourished, pain 2-3 hours after meals, food decreases pain


Type I antigenic response has occurred


Type II antibody surrounds foreign body

Immune Complexed

Type III foreign body attacked

Cell Medicated

Type IV body remembers foreign antigen

Epi pen

In the thigh

Allergic reaction treatment

epinephrine, steroids, PO prednizone

Inflammation characteristics






Prevention of infection

safe injection, Hand hygiene, PPE, clean up spills

HIV screening

EIA at 3 weeks, 6wks, 3 months after eposure


testing for antigens not antibodies


Window period-development of HIV specific antibodies

Allergic reaction

not always a reaction maybe a small raection


CDCELL count less than 200, opportunistic infections, cancer-karposis sarcoma, wasting syndrome, AIDS dementia complex

Years to development of AIDS

11 years, symptoms fatigue, HA, lymphadenopathy, low grade fever, Normal CD4 t cell count, increased infections

Treatment of HIV

ART antiretroviral begins with HIV dx

HIV Goals

Decrease viral load, maintain or increase CD4 t cell count, delay onset of HIV related symptoms, prevent or delay opportunistic infections

Anaphylactic reaction signs

Rapid onset, Dyspnea, tight throat, bronchospasm, laryngeal edema, feelings of apprehension, tingling and swelling in mouth, face, throat and tongue, itching, decreased BP, tachycardia, LOC

Systemic Lupus Erythematosis SLE

Photosensitivity, butterfly rash, tachypnea, cough, pleural inflammation effusion, wt loss, chronic fatigue, fever, polyarthritis, emotional lability, hematologic disorders, increased coagulation, CNS disorders

Rheumatoid arthritis RA

chronic inflammation of synovial joints

synvovitis stage

thickened synovial membranes/inflammation

Pannus stage

cartilage destruction

Fibrous ankylosis

fibrous tissue which evolves into scar tissue

RA risk factors

Increased incidence in women, any stage but peaks at ages 30-50

Clinical RA manifestations

Bilateral joint involvement, joint stiffness, pain, limitation of movement, morning stiffness lasting an hour, pain increases with movement, commonly affect hand and finger joints,

How to DX RA

+serum rheumatoid factor, increased ESR, increased c-reactive protein, positive antinuclear antibody

RA treatment

NSAIDs, cox 2 inhibitors, DMARDs, heat/cold applications, deformoity preventing devices, PT

RA complications

hand deformities, pericarditis, myocarditis, valve involvement, pulmonary, cataracts, loss of vision, rheumatoid nodules

anti-inflammatory cortocosteroids

prednisone, cortisone, dexamethasone


first, pouches have formed


pouches in the lining of the GI have occurred and become inflamed

Why are there liquid bm iliostomy

food has not passed through large intestine

NPO why

to calm the GI system

perforated bowel assessment findings

pain, distended, tender, rigid


position high to semi fowlers

go lightly

frequent watery stools


incision of vagus nerves

NG tubes

low suctioning to prevent metabolic alkalosis

auto immune disorder

body attakcs itself

initial HIV Drugs


rosette after ostomy

should be pink

assessment finding on pt who does not want to eat

difficulty swallowing or chewing, denture, can cause anorexia

Medication for mouth ulcers


anaphylactic reation meds

histamine blockers

pneumocystitis for right sided pneumnia

HIV give proteus inhibitors


fungal infections

HIV goes through serum conversion


LAb tests to determine T cell

CD4 t cell count


angiodema is an allergic reaction stop meds

Vascular problem comprmised

when having diarrhea and emesis/hypovolemia


reduce inflammation/watch the glucose

client complains chest hurts

everything negative for MI, dr gives a GI cocktail, donnatal, viscus lidocaine, maalox/reduces stomach acid in reflux

Iron supplements cause

black tarry stools

fever after surgery


pt had GI surgery make cough

with pillow splinting

Allergic reaction which is more importantreaction or what they are allergic to?


Viral load

measurement of amount of viral in bloodstream

lupus effects kidney monitor


bulimic signs

teeth marks on back of hands

prevent gatritis

avoid soda, coffee


feel or look different

humoral response

joking manner

emesis blood gas

metabolic acidosis


to determine GI bleed

most common cause peptic ulcers

h pylori

Most important in health hx


pertonitis caused by

rupture of peritoneum

Plasma pheresis

run plasma through machine to remove proteins preventing immune system from attacking itself

antibiotic resistant

had too much antibodies-MRSA, VRE