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14 Cards in this Set

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LV1 大惇 (大敦)

Dàdūn = Great Pile
Location: on lateral side of terminal phalanx of great toe 0.1 cun from corner of nail

Needling: superficial 0.1-0.2 cun, prick to bleed
LV2 行間 (行间)

Xíngjiān = Moving Between
Location: on dorsum of foot between 1st and 2nd toe proximal to margin of web at junction of red and white skin

Needling: ∠ 0.3 – 0.5 cun
LV3 太沖 (太冲)

Tàichōng = Great Rushing
Location: on dorsum of foot in depression distal to junction of 1st and 2nd metatarsal bones

Needling: ⊥ 0.3 – 0.5 cun
LV4 中封

Zhōngfēng = Middle Mound
Location: anterior to medial malleolus midway between Sp-5 and St-41 in depression on medial side of tendon of tibialis anterior

Needling: ⊥ 0.3 – 0.5 cun
LV5 蠡溝 (蠡沟)

Lĭgōu = Woodworm Canal
Location: 5 cun above tip of medial malleolus on midline of medial surface of tibia

Needling: subcutaneous 0.3 – 0.5 cun
LV6 中都

Zhōngdū = Central Metropolis
Location: 7 cun above tip of medial malleolus on midline of medial surface of tibia

Needling: subcutaneous 0.5 – 0.8 cun
LV7 膝關 (膝关)

Xīguān = Knee Joint
Location: posterior and inferior to medial condyle of tibia in upper portion of medial head of gastrocnemius 1 cun posterior to Sp-9

Needling: ⊥ 0.5 – 1.0 cun
LV8 曲泉

Qūquán = Spring at Crook
Location: when knee is flexed point is at medial end of transverse popliteal crease posterior to medial epicondyle of tibia in depression of anterior border of insertions of semimembranosus and semitendinosus

Needling: ⊥ 0.5 – 0.8 cun
LV9 陰包 (阴包)

Yīnbāo = Yin Bladder
Location: 4 cun above medial epicondyle of femur between vastus medialis and sartorius

Needling: ⊥ 0.5 – 0.7 cun
LV10 足五里

Zúwŭlĭ = Foot Five Miles
Location: 3 cun directly below St-30 at proximal end of thigh below pubic tubercle and on lateral border of adductor longus

Needling: ⊥ 0.5 – 1.0 cun
LV11 陰廉 (阴廉)

Yīnlián = Yin Corner
Location: 2 cun directly below St-30 at proximal end of thigh below pubic tubercle and on lateral border of adductor longus

Needling: ⊥ 0.5 – 1.0 cun
LV12 急脈 (急脉)

Jímài = Urgent Pulse
Location: lateral to pubic tubercle, lateral and inferior to St-30 in inguinal groove where pulsation of femoral artery is palpable 2.5 cun lateral to anterior midline

Needling: ∠ 0.5 – 0.8 cun; Caution: Femoral nerve, artery, and vein
LV13 章門 (章门)

Zhāngmén = Screen Gate
Location: on lateral side of abdomen below free end of 11th rib

Needling: ⊥ 0.5 – 0.8 cun
LV14 期門 (期门)

Qīmén = Cycle Gate
Location: directly below nipple in 6th intercostal space 4 cun lateral to anterior midline

Needling: ∠ 0.3 – 0.5 cun; Caution pneumothorax