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58 Cards in this Set

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What are the primary symptoms of women with sexual arousal disorder? men?
The persistent or rucerrent inability to obtain or maintain an orgasm until the completion of the sexual act-inadequate lubrication or swelling of the genitals. Men-It is inability to obtain or maintain an erection.
What are the major causes of male orgasmic disorder?
It can be as a result of low testosterone levels, some head or spinal injuries, drugs that slow down the nervous system -taking prozac for depression
What is the major cause of vaginismus and dyspareunia?
Psychosocial problems but there are rarely the only problems.
Describe the treatment sensate focus.
Sensate focus is a form of petting that is used to create pleasure from exploring your partner's body w/o demand to have intercourse afterward.
Describe the start stop technique. What is it used for?
Start stop is when a woman caresses her partner causing an erection for the male but stops-Not geared twd performance or expectation but pleasure.
How does Viagra work?
It increase blood flow to the penis helping a man to stay erect during intercourse.
What are the primary symptoms of women with sexual arousal disorder? men?
The persistent or rucerrent inability to obtain or maintain an orgasm until the completion of the sexual act-inadequate lubrication or swelling of the genitals. Men-It is inability to obtain or maintain an erection.
Describe typical treatment for a woman with orgasmic disorder. What does this help her learn?
Self-exploration, enhancement of body awareness and directed masturbation/How to get an orgasm and what techniques to use.
What are the major causes of male orgasmic disorder?
It can be as a result of low testosterone levels, some head or spinal injuries, drugs that slow down the nervous system -taking prozac for depression
What is the current view of homosexuality by the mental health community?
They see it as a variant of normal sexual behavior and not as a disorder
Describe the treatment of orgasmic reorientation. What disorders are they typically used for?
It helps women be more comfortable w/orgasm and what to do to achieve one-It helps with directed masturbation to achieve orgasm-used for arousal and orgasmic disorders.
What is the major cause of vaginismus and dyspareunia?
Psychosocial problems but there are rarely the only problems.
Describe relapse prevention training and what is it used for?
A cognitive-behavioral treatment for pedo philia-The patient identifies the kinds of situations that trigger their pedophiliac fantasies and learn how to cope with them.
Describe the treatment sensate focus.
Sensate focus is a form of petting that is used to create pleasure from exploring your partner's body w/o demand to have intercourse afterward.
What is autoerotic asphyxia?
When someone (usually male) produces a fatal lack of oxygen by hanging, suffocating, or strangling themselves during masturbation.
Describe the start stop technique. What is it used for?
Start stop is when a woman caresses her partner causing an erection for the male but stops-Not geared twd performance or expectation but pleasure.
What is the difference between transvestic fetishism and transsexuality?
Trans fet-is when someone gets aroused by wearing clothes for oppos. sex Trans-is when a person feels a mistake has been made in their gender and they would like to be the other gender-(gender i.d.)
How does Viagra work?
It increase blood flow to the penis helping a man to stay erect during intercourse.
Describe typical treatment for a woman with orgasmic disorder. What does this help her learn?
Self-exploration, enhancement of body awareness and directed masturbation/How to get an orgasm and what techniques to use.
What happens to the gender of kids who have gender identity disorder in childhood?
They feel uncomfortable with the gender that they are and wish that they could have been made the opposite sex-It often goes away by adulthood but if not they may choose to live their life out as the other sex.
What is the current view of homosexuality by the mental health community?
They see it as a variant of normal sexual behavior and not as a disorder
What is the most likely cause of sexual aversion or hypoactive sexual desire disorder
sociocultural and psychological causes.
Describe the treatment of orgasmic reorientation. What disorders are they typically used for?
It helps women be more comfortable w/orgasm and what to do to achieve one-It helps with directed masturbation to achieve orgasm-used for arousal and orgasmic disorders.
Describe relapse prevention training and what is it used for?
A cognitive-behavioral treatment for pedo philia-The patient identifies the kinds of situations that trigger their pedophiliac fantasies and learn how to cope with them.
What is autoerotic asphyxia?
When someone (usually male) produces a fatal lack of oxygen by hanging, suffocating, or strangling themselves during masturbation.
What is the difference between transvestic fetishism and transsexuality?
Trans fet-is when someone gets aroused by wearing clothes for oppos. sex Trans-is when a person feels a mistake has been made in their gender and they would like to be the other gender-(gender i.d.)
What happens to the gender of kids who have gender identity disorder in childhood?
They feel uncomfortable with the gender that they are and wish that they could have been made the opposite sex-It often goes away by adulthood but if not they may choose to live their life out as the other sex.
What is the most likely cause of sexual aversion or hypoactive sexual desire disorder
sociocultural and psychological causes.
What happens to a defendant if they are psychotic at the time of the trial?
Committed for treatment untilcompetent to stand trial.
Who decides whether a person is tried by the judicial system?
The court, but the decision is guided by a mental health prof.
What is the diff. between the Durham test, M'Naghten rule, and the irresistable impulse test?
Durham holds ppl to be insane at the time they commit crime if the act was a result of a disorder/M'Naghten is if they didn't know right from wrong/Irresistable impulse-not guilty due to inability to control one's actions.
What is the most common diagnosis of those found not guilty by reason of insanity? What % of defendants are found not guilty by reason of insanity?
Schizophrenia-Less than 1% pleas guilty by reason of insanity-1/400
When can you be released if you are criminally committed to a mental hospital?
When you are deemed not insane anymore-you cannot keep a person in a mental hospital just b/c they are dangerous.
What are the criteria for being "civilly" committed? What must happen for someone to be temporarily committed in an emergency situation?
Clear and convincing proof that they are mentally ill and have met state's criteria for involuntary committment (75% certainty)which is far less than beyond resonable doubt/ In emergency sit-clinicians have the right to certify that patient needs temp. committment and med. Have to declare that the state of the patient is harmful to themselves and others (limit 3 days)
What does Monahan's research tell us about the relationship between violent behaviors and severe mental disorders?
Approx 15% in mental hospitals have assaulted someone prior to admission 25% assault someone during hospitilization 12%of all bipolar, schiz, or major depressive have assaulted others and 4% of ppl who report having been violent in the past year suffer form schiz.
Which treatments are mental hospital patients most and least likely able to refuse?
RIght to refuse-biological treatment and ECT & can refuse psychotrophic drugs with the help of a lawyer.
How successful are jury specialists in selecting potential jurors?
They are tested and given a background check to see if they would be bias but it is not very effective.
What is profiling? What are the facts/myths? What is the best profile of a serial killer?
Profiling is when there is a list of traits given to certain criminals. Profiles are usually right but myth is that all serial killers are a certain way with a certain race. Ex. a serial killer is usually 30, male, white and no friends and antisocial.
What is the significance of the Tarasoff v. Regents of the University of California case?
This court ruling was about a client therapist relationship and confidentiality. They decided that "protection wnds where public peril begins"-b/c of a young man who told his therapist he wanted to harm his g/f and did a few days later. parents said that the therapist should have told them or warned the daughter.
What are the pitfalls od managed care?
You cannot decide who your therapist is and how long you can go to therapy for.
What does psychosis mean?
a state in which a person loses contact with reality in key ways.
What is the most common type of hallucination?
Auditory hallucinations.
Give examples of inappropriate affect?
Smiling when bad news is given.
What is the difference between the positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia? How does this relate to Type 2 schizophrenia?
Positive: "pathological excesses" or bizarre additions to a person's behavior. EX: delusions, disorganized thinking and speaking, heightened perception and halluscinations, inappropriate affect. Negative: deficits of a persons behavior Like catatonia. Pathological deficits Alogia or poverty of speech. Blunted or flat affect. Loss of emotion, social withdrawl. Those with schiz type 1 display positive symptoms and ppl with type 2 display negative symptoms Type 2 is structural abnormalities to the brain.
What is the diathesis-stress model of schizophrenia?
belief that people can inherit a biological predisposition to schizophrenia and develop the disorder later in life when they are faced with stress.
What are hte findings of studies of biological and adoptive parents of children who have schizophrenia?
Adults with schiz. that were adopted as babies are more likely to have their biological parents have the disease than their adoptive parents (biological)
What is the relationship between dopamine, Thorazine, and receptors selective for dopamine?
Too much dopamine can contribute to schizophrenia
What does the Rosenhan study tell us about the problem with labels?
The features of schiz. are caused by the label of "schizophrenic". The self-fulfilling prophecy in a way. "empty" "hollow" and "thud" People went to mental hospitals and told the nurses there that they had heard these voices. When the patients dropped the act and started acting normal is was WAY difficult for the label to be dropped as well and for them to be discharged.
WHat was the cheif contribution of Phillippe Pinel to the care of those with severe mental illness? Why is this significant?
He began the start of moral treatment and La Bicetre institute in France. He "unchained the insane" He thought that everyone should be treated as people and individuals and that just because they have a mental illness they shouldn't be treated with any less respect or care. THis prompted the establishment of large mental institutions rather than asylums. The new hospitals were used to create an environment of safety and a feeling of peace away from stress. This led to "state" hospitas being made in each state.
Why was lobotomy so enthusiastically accepted by the medical community in 1940's and 50's?
B/c they were running out of good ideas at the hospitals and they were overcrowded. People needed a new hope and these trained physicians jumped too quickly into this. Just b/c the procedure had had a few small successes people accepted it as a new form of help for the mentally disturbed
How effective are token economies?
They help reduce psychotic and related behavior. Most ppl with schiz. that are on this token system greatly improve. There is some controversy b/c people wonder if it is ethical or moral.
What is tardive dyskinesia? What is it associated with? What is the most effective treatment for schiz?
Drugs are the most effective way to treat schiz. Tardive dyskinesia is when you have tic like movements that can happen after a patient is treated with antipsychotic drugs for a while. The movement is usually with the tounge, mouth, and just face in general. Also happen with legs arms and is associated with druge effects
What are the goals of family therapy with a family who has a member suffering from shizophrenia?
The goals of family therapy are to create altered expectations for the family memeber suffering from shizophrenia and also to educate the family memebers about schiz. It helps the family be more understanding and less guilt ridden The therapy helps with family interactions and makes the family feel better and more able to cope with the situation.
What is the best thing for a person suffering from schiophrenia to do to avoid rehospitilization?
Community care with psychotherapy and drug therapy is the best for keeping out of the hospital again.
What is deinstitutionalization? Why is the case of Manhattan State Hospital Interesting?
Deinstitutionalization is when ppl are released from mental hospitals.
What is a key feature of effective community care programs?
1) key coordination of patient services 2) short term hospitalization 3) partial hospitalization 4) supervivised residencies 5) occupational training
What is the difference between a halfway house and a sheltered workshop?
A halfway house is a plave where someone can live while they are unable to live alone or with their families. THey have paraprofessional staff that work there. A Sheltered Workshop is a place where the people are supervized in the work place to learn diff. vocational skills.
What proportion of homeless are estimated to suffer from severe mental disorders?
about 5% of schizophrenics are homeless and 1/3 of them have a severe mental problem.