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what are somatoform disorders
problems that appear to be medical but are actually caused by psychosocial factors. They are psychological disorders masquerading as physical problems. People with this disorder do not want or purposely produce their symptoms, they almost always believe their symptoms are medical.
What are dissociative disorders
patterns of memory loss and identity change that are caused almost entirely by psychosocial factors rather than physical ones.
what are hysterical somatoform disorders?
people with this somatoform disorder suffer actual changes in their physical functioning. These disorders are often hard to distinguish from genuine medical problems. It is also possible that a diagnosis of hysterical disorder is a mistake and the patient has an undetected organic cause.
List three hysterical somatoform disorders
conversion disorder, somatization disorder, pain disorder associated with psychological factors.
What is a conversion disorder?
a somatoform disorder in which a psychosocial conflict or need is converted into dramatic physical symptoms that affect voluntary motor or sensory functioning. The symptoms often seem neurological, such as paralysis, blindness, or loss of feeling, and so may be called "pseudoneurological". Most of these disorders are begin between late childhood and young adulthood. They usually appear suddenly, at times of extreme stress, and last a matter of weeks. Some research suggests that people who develop this disorder tend to be generally suggestible, many are highly susceptible to hypnotic procedures.
What is somatization disorder?
People with this somatoform disorder have many long lasting physical ailments that have little or no organic basis. To receive this diagnosis, a person must have a range of ailments, including several pain symptoms, gastrointestinal symptoms, a sexual symptom, and a neurological symptom. People with it normally go from doctor to doctor in search of relief. They describe their symptoms in dramatic and exagerated terms. Most feel anxious and depressed. It lasts much longer than a conversion disorder, typically for many years. Symptoms may fluctuate over time but rarely disappear completely without therapy.
What do somatoform and dissociative disorders have in common?
Both have severe stress and viewed as forms of escape from stress and a number of individuals suffer from both disorders.
What are the two types of somatoform disorders?
1. hysterical somatoform disorder
2. Preoccupation somatoform disorder
Ca channel blockers
nifedipine, verapamil, diltiazem: blocks voltage dependent L type Ca channels to cardiac and SM, reduce muscle contractility.

vascular SM: nifedipine > diltiazem > verapamil
heart: verapamil > diltiazem > nifedipine

use: hypertension, angina, arrhythmias (not nifedipine), prinzmetal angina, raynauds.

toxicity: cardiac depression, AV block, peripheral edema, flushing, dizziness, constipation.
What are the two types of somatoform disorders?
1. Hysterical somatoform disorder
2. Preoccupation Somatoform disorder.
What are the types of hysterical somatoform disorder?
1. Conversion Disorder
2. Somatization Disorder
3. Pain disorder associated with Psychological factors.
What is pain disorder associated with Psychological Factors
A hysterical somatoform disorder, where psychosocial factors play a central role in the onset, severity, or continuation of pain, patients amy receive this. This disorder is fairly common, and may begin at any age, and women seem more likely than men to experience it. Many times it develops after an accident or during an illness that has caused genuine pain, which then takes a life of its own.
What is a factitious disorder?
An illness with identifiable physical cause, in which the patient is believed to be intentionally producing or faking symptoms in order to assume a sick role. They go to extremes to create appearance of illness.
What is munchausen syndrome?
TThis is the extreme and chronic form of factitious disorder.
What is Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy?
A factitious disorder in which parents make up or produce illnesses in their children. Also known as factitious disorder by proxy. This may lead to painful diagnostic tests, medication, and surgery.
What are preoccupation somatoform disorders?
Hypochondriacs and body dismorphic disorder have this. People with these problems misinterpret and overreact to bodily symptoms or features no matter what friends, relatives, and physicians may say. Although this causes much distress, it's impact on one's life differs from that of hysterical disorder.
What is hypochriasis?
A disorder that can be very similar to somatization disorder. Each typically involves numerous physical symptoms and frequent visits to the doctor, and each causes considerable upset. If anxiety is great and bodily symptoms are relatively minor, a diagnosis of hypochondriasis is in order. If symptoms overshadow the patien'ts anxiety, they may indicate somatization disorder. It can start at any age, it starts more often in early adulthood, among men and women equally. For most patients, the symptoms rise and fall over the years.
What are symptoms of hypochondriasis?
1. Preoccupation with fears or beliefs that one has a serious disease, based on misinterpretation of bodily symptoms, lasting at least 6 months.
2. Persistence of preoccupation despite appropriate medical evaluation and reassurance.
3. Absense of delusions.
4. Significant distress or impairment.
What is body dysmorphic disorder?
People with this disorder become deeply concerned about some imagined or minor defect in their appearance. Most often they focus on wrinkles, spots on the skin, excessive facial hair, and so forth. People may go to extremes to hide their "defects", limit contact with people, etc. Most cases begin during adolescense. Often people don't reveal their concerns for many years.
What are symptoms of body dysmorphic disorder?
1. Preoccupation iwth an imagined or exaggerated defect in appearance.
2. Significant distress or impairment.
What is a dissociative disorder?
Disorders marked by major changes in memory that do not have clear physical causes. In such disorders, one part of the persons memory typically seems to be dissociated, or separated from the rest.
What are some types of dissociative disorders?
1. Dissociative Amnesia
2. Dissociative Fugue
3. Dissociative identity disorder
What is dissociative amnesia?
People with this disorder are unable to recall imp. information, usually of an upsetting nature, about their lives. The loss of memory is much more extensive than normal forgetting and is not caused by organic factors. Often directly triggered by a specific upsetting event. It may be localized, selective, generalized, or continuous.
Describe 4 types of dissociative amnesia
1. Localized - most common, in which a person loses all memory of events that took placewithin a limited period of time, always beg. with a very disturbing occurence.
2. Selective amnesia - second most common form, remember some but not all events that occur during a period of time.
3. Generalized amnesia - cases where memory loss can extend back to times long before upsetting period. In extreme cases, they might fail to recognize relatives and friends.
4. Continuous Amnesia - Forgetting continues into the present. It is actually quite rare in cases of dissociative amnesia.
What is dissociative fugue?
A dissociative disorder in which a person travels to a new location and may assume a new identity, simultaneously forgetting his or her past.
what is dissociative identity disorder?
A dissociative disorder in which a person develops two or more distinct personalities. Also known as multiple personality disorder.
What is anorexia nervosa?
A disorder marked by the pursuit of extreme thinness and by extreme loss of weight. May occur after stressful event such as separation of parents, a move away from home, or experience of personal failure. People with this fear being obese. They are actually preoccupied with food- and spend time thinking and reading about food. Have low opinions of themselves. Face psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, low self esteem. Starvation causes amenorrhea - the absense of menstural cycle.
What are symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa?
1. Refusal to maintain body weight above a minimally normal weight for age and height.
2. Intense fear of gaining weight, even though under weight.
3. Disturbed body perception, undue influence of weight or shape on self-evaluation, or denial of the seriousness of the current low weight.
4. In postmenarcheal females - amenorrhea.
What is bulimia nervosa?
A disorder marked by frequent eating binges that are followed by forced vomiting or other extreme compensatory behaviors to avoid gaining weight. Also known as binge purge syndrome.
What is purging type bulimia?
When behaviors include forced vomiting or misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas.
What is nonpurging-type bulimia?
When they fast, exercise frantically.
What are symptoms of Bulimia nervosa?
1. Recurrent episodes of binge eating.
2. Recurrent inappropriate compensatory behavior in order to prevent weight gain.
3. Symptoms continuing on average at least twice a week for three months.
4. Undue influence of weight or shape on self-evaluation.
What is anorexia purging type?
When someone has both anorexia and bulimia.
what are the differences in bulimia nervosa vs. anorexia nervosa?
- bulima nervosa tend to be more concerned about pleasing others, being attractive to others, having intimate relationships.
- Bulimia nervosa - tend to be more sexually active than anorexia nervosa.
- Bulimia nervosa - more history of mood swings, become easily frustrated or bored, trouble coping effectively and controlling their impulses.
- Bulimia nervosa - change relationships and friends frequently.
- Bulimia nervosa - more than 1/3 have personality disorder, particulary borderline personality disorder and may also display self injurious behavior.
What is substance abuse?
people rely on drug excessively and chronically and in so doing damage their family and social relationships, function poorly at work or put themselves and others in danger.
What is substance dependance?
A more advanced pattern of substance abuse, people not only abuse but also center their lives on it and perhaps acquire a physical dependance on it, marked by tolerance for it and withdrawal symptoms or both.
What are symptoms of substance abuse?
1. A maladaptive pattern of substance use leading to significant impairment or distress.
2. Atleast on of the following features occuring within one year.
a. recurrent substance use, resulting in failure to fulfill major role obligations at work, school
b. Recurrent substance use in situations in which it is physically hazardous.
c. recurrent substance-related legal problems
d. Substance use that continues despite its causing or increasing persistent social or interpersonal problems.
What are symptoms of substance dependance?
1. A maladaptive pattern of substance use leading to significant impairment or distress.
2. Atleast 3 of the following:
a. tolerance
b withdrawal
c. substance often taken in larger amounts over a longer period that was intended
d. Persistent desire for substance or unsuccessful efforts to control substance abuse
e. considerable time spent trying to obtain, use, or recover from the substance
f. substance use in place of important activities
g. substance use that continues despite its causing or increasing persistent physical or psychological problems.
what is tolerance?
the adjustment that the brain and the body make to the regular use of certain drugs so that even larger doses are needed to achieve earlier events.
what is withdrawal?
Unpleasant, sometimes dangerous reactions that may occur when people who use a drug regularly stop taking or reduce their dosage.
What is alcohol abuse?
people who use alcohol drink large amount regularly and rely on it to enable them to do things that would otherwise make them anxious. Eventually the drinking interferes with their social behavior and ability to think and work. People vary with patterns of alcohol abuse, some drink large amounts every day and keep drinking until intoxicated, others go on periodic binges.
What is alcohol dependance?
For many people, the pattern of alcohol misuse includes dependance. Their bodies buildup a tolerance for alcohol, and they need to drink even greater amounts to feel its effects. They also experience withdrawal when they stop drinking. Within hours their hands, tongue, and eyelids begin to shake, they feel weak, they sweat and vomit.
What is a personality disorder?
An inflexible pattern of inner experience and outward behavior. Typically become recognizable in adolescence and early adulthood. They are axis II disorders. They do best under psychoanalysis.
What are symptoms of a personality disorder?
1. An enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the expectations of the individuals culture, with at least two of the following areas affected:
Cognition, affectivity, interpersonal functioning, impulse control
2. Pattern is inflexible and pervasive across a broad range of personal and social situations.
3. Pattern is inflexible and pervasive across a broad range of personal and social situations.
4. Significant distress or impairment.
What are the clusters of odd personality disorder?
Paranoid, schizoid,and schizotypal personality disorders. People with these disorders usually display odd or eccentric behaviors that are similar to but not as excessive as those seen in schizophrenia, including extreme suspiciousness, social withdrawal, and peculiar ways of thinking and perceiving things. Often leave the person isolated.
What is paranoid personality disorder?
People with this deeply distrust other people and are suspicious of their motives. Since they believe everyone wants to do them harm,they shun close relationships. The suspicion is usually not "delusional" - the ideas are not so bizarre or so firmly held as to clearly remove the individual from reality. As a result of their mistrust, people with paranoid personality disorder often remain cold and distant.
- People with paranoid personality disorder do not typically see themselves as needing help
- Few come to treatments willingly
- Those in treatment often rebel against therapy
What is schizoid personality disorder?
A personality disorder characterized by persistent avoidance of social relationships and little expression of emotion. These people do not have close ties with other people. They prefer not to be with people because they generally prefer to be alone.
-They focus on themselves and are unaffected by praise or criticism.
- Their extreme social withdrawal prevents most people from entering therapy unless some other disorder makes treatment necessary.
- Even then, patients are likely to remain emotionally distant from the therapist seem not to care about treatment, and make limited progress.
What is schizotypal personality disorder?
A personality disorder characterized by extreme discomfort in close relationships, odd forms of thining and perceiving, and behavioral eccentricities. They are anxious around others, they seek isolation and have few close friends. Many feel intensely lonely. Thoughts are noticeably disturbed. Symptoms may include ideas of reference, and bodily illusions. Many believe they have magical control over others. Ex. of their eccentricities are organizing closets extensively, wearing an odd assortment of clothing. Have difficulty staying focused. Conversations are digressive and vague, with loose associations. Tend to lead unproductive lifes. Likely to choose undemanding jobs.
Antipsychotic drugs appear to be helpful in therapy.
What are dramatic personality disorders?
The behaviors of people with these problems are so dramatic, emotional or erratic that it is almost impossible for them to have relationships that are truly giving and satisfying. The cluster of dramatic personality disorders include the antisocial, borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic personality disorders.
What is antisocial personality disorder?
Sometimes described as psychopaths or sociopaths, it is a personality disorder marked by a general pattern of disregard for and violation of other peoples rights. This is one of the most closely related disorder to adult criminal behavior. They lie repeatedly, and many can't work consistently at a job. They are careless with money and fail to pay their debts. They are impulsive. They are reckless - little regard for their own safety and that of others.
What is borderline personality disorder?
A personality disorder characterized by repeated instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, and mood and by impulsive behavior.
-relationships are unstable
- swing in and out of very depressive, anxious, and irritable states that last anywhere from a few hours to a few days or more.
-Emotions in conflict with world around them.
-prone to bouts of anger.
-Many times direct anger inward, and inflict bodily harm on themselves.
- troubled by deep feelings of emptiness
- suicidal threats and actions common
- form intense, conflict riden relationships in which their feelings are not necessarily shared by other person.
- May idealize other persons qualities/abilities after just brief encounter.
- Furious when expectations not met
- recurrent fears of abandonement
-Experience dramatic shifts in identity
What is histrionic personality disorder?
A personality disorder characterized by a pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seeking. Once called hysterical personality disorder. They are always on "stage" - using theatrical gestures and mannerisms and grandiose language to describe ordinary everyday events. They keep changing themselved to attract and keep an audience. , they change their surface characteristics and beliefs too.
- they need approval and praise
- they overreact to any minor event that gets in the ways of their quest for attention.
-even make suicide attempts to manipulate others
-may draw attention by exaggerating illnesses or fatigues.
- act provacatively and try to achieve their goals through sexual seduction.
-often wear bright, eye catching clothes.
What is narcissistic personality disorder?
a personality disorder marked by a broad pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy.They expect contstant attention and admiration from those around them. They exagerate their achievements and talents, expecting others to recognize them as superior. They are choosy about their friends and associates. Often make favorable first impressions, but can rarely maintain long friendships.
-seldom interested in the feelings of others
- Take advantages of others to achieve their own ends,
-they believe others envy them
- React to criticism or frustration with bouts of rage or humiliation.
-Periods of zest may alternate with periods of depression.
What are anxious personality disorders?
People typically display anxious and fearful behavior. The cluster of anxious personality disorder includes avoidant, dependent, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorders.
What is avoidant personality disorder?
A personality disorder characterized by consistent discomfort and restraint in social situations, overwhelming feelings of inadequacy, and extreme sensitivity to negative evaluation. They are so fearful of being rejected that they give no one the opportunity to reject them. Actively avoid occasions for social contact.They have not so much poor social skills but a dread of criticism, disapproval, or rejection. Timid and hesitant in social situations, afraid of saying something foolish.They believe themselves to be unappealing or inferior to others. Exaggerate the potential difficulties of new situations, so they seldom take risks or try new activities. Have few or no close friends, though they yearn for intimate relationships, frequently feel depressed and lonely. As a substitute some develop an inner world of fantasy and imagination.
Difference between social phobia and avoidant personality disorder is that social phobia fears social circumstances while people with this personality disorder fear social relationships.
What is dependant personality disorder?
A personality disorder characterized by a pattern of clinging and obedience, fear of separation, and an ongoing need to be taken care of. They rely on others so much they can't make decisions for themselves.They cling desperately to friends and relatives. Have difficulty with separation. Many cling persistently to partners or relationships that physically or psychologically abuse them. Seldom disagree with others and allow even important decisions to be made for them. Many feel distressed, lonely and sad, often they dislike themselves.
What is obsessive compulsive personality disorder?
A personality disorder marked by such an intense focus on orderliness, perfectionism, and control that the individual loses flexibility, openness, and efficiency.
What is obsessive compulsive personality disorder?
A personality disorder marked by such an intense focus on orderliness, perfectionism, and control that the individual loses flexibility, openness, and efficiency. When faced with a task - they are so focuse on organization and details that they fail to grasp point of activity. Their work is often behind schedule, and they neglect leisure activities and friendships. Set high standards for themselves. They are never satisfied with their performance, but typically refuse to work in teams. Are rigid and stubborn, particularly in morals, ehtics and values. They live by a strict personal code. Relationships stiff and superficial. Stingy with their time or money. Some can't even throw out objects that are worn out or useless.