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18 Cards in this Set

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Abnormal Behavior
Psychological dysfunction, breakdown in cognitive, emotional or behavioral functioning. (violation of norms, personal distress, disability or dysfunction, atypically or not culturally expected.)
Who treats psychological disorders? What are their education and functions?
Clinical and counseling psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, pschiatric nurses, marriage and family therapists`
What were some of the historical explanations for abnormal behavior? What were the treatmentS?
super natural, good vs. evil, demons, sorcery, witch craft.

tying people up, "brain surgery"
why is syphilis important to psychopathology?
it helped determine the biological effects on mental functioning.
quantitative genetics?
poly genetics?
polygenic- influenced by many genes

quantitative genetics- tells us which genes are responsible for which effect
What are agonists, antagonists and neurotransmitters?
agonists- chemical substances that increase the activity of neurotransmitters by imitating its effects
antagonist- chem. substance that decreases/blocks the effects of neurotransmitters.
neurotransmitter- their relative excess or deficiency is involved in several psychological disorders
what's the difference between the diathesis stress model and the reciprocal gene-environment model?
diathesis stress model says that both inherited vulnerablity and stressful conditions are required to produce disorder while reciprocal gene-environment model says that people with a genetic disposition tend to create environmental risk factors that promote disorders.
What are the causes and symptoms of PTSD?
caused by severe helplessness or fear inducing threat. people will often have flashbacks of the event reuccuring right in front of them,
What are the possible triggers of an internal and external panic attack?
internal: fear of thoughts ie: losing your job

external: things or situations like spiders or heights.
What's the difference between anxiety and fear?
anxiety is a mood state marked by negative affect and bodily tension where a person anticipates danger. fear is an emotional response consisting of an immediate alarm reaction to present danger or life threatening emergencies.
What's the difference between cued and uncued panic attacks?
someone who has cued panic attacks knows exactly what triggers them, while someone who has uncued panic attacks experiences them spontaneously.
What are the treatments for OCD?
cognitive behavioral modeling.
What do the different Axis stand for in the DSM?
Axis 1: clinical disorders that need attention
Axis 2: personality disorders and mental retardation
axis 3: medical conditions
axis 4: psychosocial and environmental problems
axis 5: global assesment of of functioning
cognitive behavioral
identifying destructive thoughts and behavior and changing the behavior, doesn't address emotion
psychodynamic behavior
less intense, focusing on defenses
independent and dependent variable
independent- deliberately manipultaed
dependent- observed outcome
internal and external validity
internal validity- within the design of the study
external validity- can you replicate that study?
is the ability of a person or system to perform and maintain its functions in routine circumstances, as well as hostile or unexpected circumstances.