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54 Cards in this Set

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How many different stimulus control techniques are there?
What are the 7 different stimulus control techniques?
Prompting sequence least to most
Prompting sequence most to least
Forward chaining
Backward chaining
Task analysis
Behavioral shaping
Errorless learning
_____ are effective methods for teaching more than behavioral skills
Stimulus control techniques
Stimulus control is when we bring a behavior under the control of _____, _____, _____
appropriate time, place, and circumstance
instead of asking the class "what day is today" and waiting for answers, it would be more effective to do what?
Tell the class today is monday. Ask them what today is, let them answer, and then repeat this a few times
A-B-C stands for what?
Antecedent, behavioral, consequence
The "A" in A-B-C can stand for antecedent, cue, stimulus, discriminative S..Whatever the A stands for, all of these are things that happen _____ the behavior
Example: Telephone rings (Sd) --> Pick up phone and say hello (response) --> Friendly conversation (Sr+)

This gives us a behavior that we do/don't want to see?
Doorbell rings (Sd) --> Pick up phone and say hello (response) --> Friendly conversation witheld (So)

This gives us a behavior that we do/don't want to see?
(EO) difficult worksheet-- (Sd) Teacher 1 --> (response) student displays aggression --> (Sr-) Task break provided

Is this a good or bad move from the teacher?
Bad! Not good to give student a break for displaying aggression!
(EO) difficult worksheet-- (Sd) Teacher 1 --> (response) student displays aggression --> (Sr-) Task break witheld

Is this a good or bad move from the teacher?
Good! As a teacher, you do not want to give the student a break when they display aggression!
Know: Technically, Stimulus control is demonstrated when..

The level of the target behavior is altered concurrently with a change made in the antecedent stimulus
-The response is followed by a positive reinforcement; and
-The change in the stimulus is correlated with an increased frequency of reinforcement
Know: Technically, Stimulus control is demonstrated when..

there is an A-B-C sequence

For example:
A-teacher puts up sign to remind students to bring books.
B- Students remember books
C- Teacher gives sticker for remembering books

A will increase and B will increase. Hopefully. Opposite is also possible.

Positive can happen after target behavior, but so can negative

B will increase and so will C. Hopefully. Opposite also possible

A will increase and so will C. Hopefully
Is it true that if behavior is learned, it can also be taught?
To teach behavior, what three things must we do?
Tune into desirable behavior

Create the conditions under which it can occur

Have consistent responses for misbehavior
Based on behavior principles, we must do what two things?
Set the stage for learning

Provide consequences to either promote of discourage the behavior occurring again.
What are the 5 steps of the prompting sequence?
Give verbal cue to perform the task (wait 10 seconds)

Give verbal direction (wait 10 seconds)

Modeling (wait 10 seconds)

Physical prompt (wait 10 seconds)

Total assistance
"Go line up for lunch" is an example of which prompting sequence?
Verbal cue to perform task
"Get up, stand in line" is an example of which prompting sequence?
Verbal direction
Acting out the behavior without using words is an example of which prompting sequence?
Putting hands on the student is an example of which prompting sequence?
Physical prompt
"Hand over hand" or helping the student the entire way is an example of which prompting sequence?
Total assistance
If a student gets aggressive when you put your hands on them, which prompting sequence should you stop at?
When giving verbal direction, it is very important that you do not _____
give gestures. Only give VERBAL direction
True or false: You should never do it all for the student
True, because they will never learn
If day after day the student needs total assistance, would it be okay to start at total assistance and then work your way up the prompting sequence?
There are two other types of prompts other than prompting sequence. What are they?
Within-stimulus prompts

Response prompts
What are the two "within-stimulus" prompts?
Time delay

Pictorial prompts
What are the three "response prompts"
Movement prompts (slides right answer toward student)

Position prompts ("First card is always right answer")

Redundancy cues (provides a cue about the correct response that involves an exaggerated feature of the correct response)
"sliding the right answer toward the student is an example of a _____ prompt
telling the student "the first card is always right" is an example of a _____ prompt
What are the 5 ways for effective prompting?
Be short, descriptive, as weak as possible, fade as soon as possible, avoid unintentional prompts (accidentally talking when modeling)
What is task analysis? (3 things)
Breaking down a complex behavior into its component parts (steps)

The basis for teaching complex skills

The basis for evaluation of instructional objectives
Is task analysis very detailed or not very detailed?
Very detailed
What are the 4 steps in task analysis?
Identify pre-requisite skills

Identify materials needed to perform the task

List the components of the task

List the order in which the components must be performed
Example: Teaching a student how to write a letter on a piece of paper, it may take 12-15 steps to explain from beginning to end. What is this an example of ?
Task analysis
_____ is the process of teaching a student a behavior that is currently not in his repertoire
Behavioral shaping
_____ is systematically and differentially reinforcing successive approximations of the terminal behavior beginning with the first step in the task analysis
Behavioral shaping
Which stimulus control technique requires a lot of observation?
Behavioral shaping
EO- deprived of water for a long period of time

Sd- Tap on faucet marked with blue dot or letter "C"

Response- Walk to sink and look at it

Sr+ Cold water presented.

Maintained behavior is person walking to sink and looking at it.

Is this shaping a behavior?
EO- deprived of water for a long period of time

Sd- Tap on faucet marked with blue dot or letter "C"

Response- Walk to sink and look at it.

Sr+ Cold water witheld.

Decreased behavior is person walking to sink and looking at it when deprived of water.

Is this shaping a behavior?
Yes, part of process
EO- deprived of water for a long period of time

Sd- Tap on faucet marked with blue dot or letter "C"

Response- point to tap

Sr+ Cold water presented.

Increased behavior is person pointing to tap when deprived of water

Is this shaping a behavior?
Yes, part of process
EO- deprived of water for a long period of time

Sd- Tap on faucet marked with blue dot or letter "C"

Response- point to tap

Sr+ Cold water witheld.

Decreased behavior is person pointing to tap when deprived of water.

Is this shaping a behavior?
Yes, part of process
EO- deprived of water for a long period of time

Sd- Tap on faucet marked with blue dot or letter "C"

Response- touch tap

Sr+ Cold water witheld.

Decreased behavior is touching tap when deprived of water

Is this shaping a behavior?
Yes, part of process
EO- deprived of water for a long period of time

Sd- Tap on faucet marked with blue dot or letter "C"

Response- grasp tap

Sr+ Cold water presented.

Increased behavior is grasping tap when deprived of water.

Is this shaping a behavior?
Yes, final outcome
The only difference in behavioral shaping and behavioral chaining is that behavioral chaining can _____
Begin with the first or last step in the task analysis.

Behavioral shaping must begin with first step in task analysis
_____ must link step by step
Behavioral chaining
EO- Absence of food for 2 hours

Sd- Mom says fix yourself a bowl of cereal

R1- Get bowl from cupboard

R2- Get milk from fridge

R3- Get bowl from cupboard

R4- Get spoon from drawer

R5- Pour cereal into bowl

R6- pour milk into bowl

R7- put milk away

R8- Put cereal away

R9- Take bowl and spoon to table

R10- Sit down at table

R11- Eat

Sr+ food presented

This causes an increased behavior of fixing a bowl of cereal and more likely when hungry and told to "fix yourself a bowl of cereal"

This is an example of _____
Forward or backward chaining
True or false: If student already knows parts of the forward or backward chaining steps, it is okay to skip the steps they know and start at the steps they don't.
What are the three factors that affect the development of stimulus control?
Pre-attending skills ("look at me")

Stimulus presentation (specificity of direction, opportunity to respond, pacing of response opportunities)

Reinforcement (Do something positive once you see target behavior)
_____ is used to gradually remove the stimulus control technique
True or false: One at a time, elements of the stimulus control technique are changed or removed
From the very first time, the student gets the answer right. The teacher sets it up so the student cannot make mistake. This is an example of which stimulus control technique?
Errorless learning