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28 Cards in this Set

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Net filtration pressure

Is equal to the combined pressures of the blood in the capillaries minus the combined pressures of the tissues interstitial fluid

Permeability edema

Caused by capillaries being leaky to some protein

Blood hydrostatic pressure pushes fluid.....

Blood colloid osmotic pressure pushes fluid.... At the arterial end



The main force that causes fluid to enter the Venous end

Colloid osmotic pressure

NOP net osmotic

Difference in osmotic pressure between blood and interstitial fluid


Generated by interstitial fluid found in tissue spaces

When net hydrostatic pressure less than net osmotic pressure

Venous end

When is net hydrostatic pressure greater than net osmotic pressure

Arterial end

When the next filtration pressure negative fluid moves

Into the capillary

When the net filtration pressure is positive the fluid moves

Out of the capillary

Which pressure is the difference between blood and interstitial fluid

NHP net hydrostatic

Which allow the outward movement of food from the capillary

- the NHP if greater than NOP

-the net filtration pressure is positive

What would happen to the outward

Movement of food in capillaries if blood pressure decreases

Decrease of movement

Weekday would happen if there was a decrease concentration of albumin


Why is IFP expressed as a negative number

The suction effect of the lymphatic vessels

How is local control of blood flow achieved

Periodic relaxation and contraction of precapillary sphincters

Hydrostatic pressure is.... And colloid osmotic pressure is..... At the arterial end of the capillary



Net hydrostatic pressure NHP


Net osmotic pressure NOP


Solutes, power they have to pull water from a higher concentration to lower concentration to reach equilibrium

Net filtration pressure NFP


Which drives pressure out?

BP, Interstitial colloid osmotic pressure, Interstitial fluid pressure

Which drives in

Blood colloid osmotic pressure

Solutes or protein inside capillary

What is the role of albumin

Larger protein that cannot leave capillary. Keeping the number of solutes higher so water wants to move into capillary

Net filtration pressure is

All the fluid going out minus the fluid going in. More going out at the arterial end then the Venous end. The lymohatic system drains away the 10 percent extra fluid that is not reabsorbed

Hydrostatic edema

Increased pressure in capillaries more food goes into interstitial space

Permeability edema

Allow more solutes out

Water follows molecules out

Lymph edema

Reduced drainage

Lymph is damaged

Osmotic edema

Reduction of plasma protein in the capillary or more protein out of capillary.