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14 Cards in this Set

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Define group
-a gathering of 2 or more individuals who:
-share a common purpose
-meet over a substantial time period
-meet in face-to-face interaction (???)
-work to achieve an identifiabl goal

**a deliberate assembly of pl who elect to be together because of a cause, activity, purpose, or goal**
What is the difference between Primary and Secondary Groups?
-more spontaneous
-linked to values of an individual
-informal structure and social process
-membership is either automatic (eg: family) or is freely chosen because of common interest (eg: religious)
-important part of person's self concept (eg: I am an sdeo student)

Secondary groups
-no spontaneous
-more structure and distinct purpose (planned, time limits, leader, specific goals, etc.)
-once goal is achieved, group dissolves (eg: focus group)
-people join secondary groups for 1 of 3 reasons
1)to meet personally estalished goals
2)to develop more effective coping skills
3)required by the larger community system to which the individual belongs
List Member Variables that affect Group Dynamic
1) Commitment
-how bad do you want to be there and fulfill your responsibilities?

2) Functional Similarity
-do group members have enough common intellectual, emotional and experiential characteristics to interact with each other and to carry out group objects?
-do you mesh well?

3) Leadership style
List Group Variables that affect Group Dynamic
1) Purpose
-what are you here for?
-reason for the groups existence
-examples Table 12-1 pg.264

2) Norms
***Group Norms***
-behavioral standards expected of group members
-facilitate goal achievment
-provide needed predicatbility for effective group functioning
***Universal Norms***
-behavioral standards held by most groups to be essential to the success of group life
-eg: confidentiality, regular attendance
***Group-specific norms***
-combo of expectations, values, and needs of group members
-eg: degree of individual risk taking, decision making, tolerance of humor and anger, focus on task or process, and level of leader control

3) Cohesiveness
-value a group holds for its members and their investment in being a part of the group
-how well a group meshes
-Box 12-1 pg.266

4)Role Functions
-the behaviors members use to move toward task functions and ensure personal satisfaction
-what is everyones part in the group?

5) Decision Style
-how do you come to terms? (eg:vote? leader chooses? etc.)
-better product than individual thinking for 3 reasons:
i) pool of everyones knowledge, skills and resources
ii)so many different perspectives therefore more factors considered
iii)decision making process ensures ownership and greater likelihood of compliance amongst members
-sequence of events: brainstorm-> analyze potential alternatives-> narrow down selection-> choose the best
Define Group think
-cohesiveness carried to an extreme
-loyalty and approval becomes so important that members lose opinion and follow the groups direction regardless
Define Leadership
"interpersonal influence, exercised in situations and directed through the communication process, toward the attainment of a specified goal or goals"

-requires preparation, professional leadership attitudes and behaviors, responsible selection of members, and use of a responsible scientific rationale for determining a specific group approach
List characteristics needed by an effective group leader.
-committed to the groups purpose
-self aware of personal biases, values and interpersonal limitations
-open attitude between group members
-good listeners
-convey warmth and understanding
understand their skills and limitations
Designated Leader vs Emergent Leader?
-trained in group dynamics and process
-usually assigned

-informal leaders
-recognized by other group members as powerful and often having equal status with the designated leader
Define Group process
-structural development of the group... its life cycle
-Fig12-3 pg.273
What are good ways to give feedback in a group setting?
Box 12-3 pg.272
What is the Leaders task in the early stages of the life cycle of a group?
1-Assess and plan
2-define the goals of the group
3-match client needs with group goals

4-Determine types of group membership
a) closed group
b) open group
c) homogenous group - members have something in common (eg: breastcancer support group)

5-Create the appropriate environment
6-Determine the Appropriate group size
7-Conduct a pre-group interview
Phases of the Group Life Cycle?
1) Forming Phase
-getting everyone together and on the same page
-developing trust is key here

2) Storming Phase
-once they get more comfy, they begin to cope with power and control issues

3) Norming Phase
-feedback becomes more spontaneous and group members begin to share more responsibility for the leadership of the group

4) Performing Phase
-everyone gets their shit together and gets work done

5) Adjourning Phase
-termination occurs when the group members have achieved desired outcomes
List and BRIEFLY describe different types of Therapeutic groups
Psychiatric Group
-group with clients experiencing major psychiatric illness

Reality Orientation Group
-with confused, elderly, clients
-help maintain contact with the environment and reduce confusion about time, place and person

Resocialization Groups
-useful for withdrawn, elderly clients
-gets them out to socialize

Remotivation Groups
-helpful in counteracting the isolation and apathy resulting from long term institutionalization

Reminiscence Groups
-offer powerful sources of self esteem for cognitively intact, elderly clients

Therapeutic Activity Groups
-occupational therapy
-recreational therapy
-dance therapy
-art therapy
-poetry and biblio therapy
What are community support groups? Give examples.
-AKA self help group
-provide emotional and practical support to clients and their families who are experiencing chronic illness, crises, or the ill health of a family member

-Box12-5 pg.283