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50 Cards in this Set
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Discuss the organizational structure and the duties of the following personnel:
responsible for everyone
direct representative to the CO
Command Master Chief/Senior/Chief
enlisted advisor to command
Department Head
representative to CO about department
Command Managed Equal Opportunity Officer (CMEO)/Equal Opportunity Program Specialist (EOPS)
equal opportunity training to the command
Division Officer
responsible under dept. head for division
Leading Chief Petty Officer (LCPO)/Leading Petty Officer (LPO)
LCPO reports to the DIVO, LPO reports to LCPO
Work Center Supervisor
hour by hour W/C functions
Command Career Counselor
squadron career counseling
link between family and command
Financial Specialist
financial counseling
Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor (DAPA)
advises CO/XO in drug & alcohol abuse
Security Manager
advises CO/XO on security measures
Career Information Program Management (CIPM) Program Manager
provides career info to squadron
Discuss the purpose and general rules for the following types of counseling:
effectively handle problems by specialist
counsel personnel on regular basis
Describe the effects of enlisted evaluations on the following:
Types of discharges
honorable at least an average of 2.7. conduct 3.0 otherwise general
4.0 EP, 3.8 MP, 3.6 P, 3.4 progressing, 2.0 significant problems
Good conduct awards
3.0 and up with no NJP's. given every 3 years
Eligibility for reenlistment
under 3.0 no reenlistment
require good evals 3.0 is required
Explain the use of a Naval message
principle means by which commanders communicate
Explain the purpose of the following message components:
Date Time Group (DTG)
31OCT1998 0800 ZULU = 310800ZOCT98
From line
To line
who message is going to
Info line
who you would like to look at message
Classification/declassification line
message classification
Standard Subject Identification Code (SSIC)
4 or 5 digit subject. 14 groups of SSIC
Subject line
main topic of message
Passing instructions
assist in routing of message
Reference line
alternative to lengthy reference material
Amplifying information line
amplify the data text
Narrative information line
provide amplifying information pertaining to data text
"body" the thought or idea to communicate
Explain what each of the following enlisted service record pages are and what entries are made on each:
Page 2
record of emergency data
Page 4
qualification history
Page 13
administrative remarks
State the purpose and discuss the contents of the Enlisted Distribution Verification Report (EDVR)
lists all individuals assigned and provides a summary of the present and future manning status
Explain the use of a Report and Disposition of Offense(s)(NAVPERS Form 1626/7)
court memorandum-page 7 used to record court-martials and NJP
Discuss the purpose of the following:
Operational Report (OPREP)
used to notify about possible detonation, accidental or unauthorized use of nuclear weapons
Movement Report (MOVEREP)
location information concerning ships
Logistical Requirements (LOGREQ)
ships logistical requirements prior to port
Status of Requirement and Training Support (SORTS)
reports ships condition of readiness
Situation Report (SITREP)
used by CO, OIC to provide higher authority notification of incident not meeting special incident reporting criteria