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40 Cards in this Set

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Active Resisted VS Passive Resisted

Active Resisted: Client pushes against my resistance

Passive Resisted: You push against client's resistance

Between Active Resisted and Passive Resisted, which one is better at checking muscle weakness?

Passive Resisted (think of Empty Can's test)

Active Assist VS Passive Assist

Active Assist: Client initiates movement and you help

Passive Assist: You initiate movement and client follow

Can you find sesamoid bones in foot?

Yes, between later and medial Hallucis brevis muscle

Where can you find sesamoid in the hand?


All of following bones are Flat bone except?

A. Sacrum

B. Ribs

C. Ilium

D. Occipital


5 major Flat bones are?

Cranial bones (not facial bones)



Hip bones


(they support organs)

How many Cranial bones and Facial bones?

8 Cranial and 14 Facial

Facial bones are short bones?

False, irregular bones

Carpal bones and tarsals in the ankle are what type of bones?

Short bones

Metatarsal and Phalanges are considered Short bones?

False. They are Long bones.

Why a pregnant woman has to lay on the left side once stomach gets bigger?

To avoid compressing on Inferior Vena Cava

If you depress the shoulder while holding the extended elbow with supinated forearm and extend the wrist, client feels pain along the arm. What nerve is affected?

Median Nerve

To evaluate Ulnar nerve, we depress shoulder. What position we need to hold the elbow and wrist?

A. Elbow flex, Forearm Pronate, wrist extend

B. Elbow flex, Forearm Supinate, wrist extend

C. Elbow flex, Forearm Pronate, wrist flex

B. Elbow flex, Forearm supinate, wrist extend (ULTT 4)

Unique sign of Tinea Capitis?

Hair loss in patches (local CI, wear gloves if possible) All Tinea is VERY ITCTHY

Common area to get Tinea Pedis?

Between toes (hot and moist), very itchy, scales

Tinea Manuum is?

Ringworm on Palms

Name the order of artery from Subclavian to hands.

Subclavian Artery -> Axillary A -> Brachial A -> Radial Artery and Ulnar Artery

Remember Deep Veins are right beside arteries and have the same name

Which fungus causes "white color" lesion?

Candida Albicans

Name two Superficial veins in upper limb.

Lateral side Cephalic Vein and Medial side is Basilic Vein

3 common areas for Candidiasis infection?

Mouth (tongue), Vagina, Nail (painful, sometimes itchy)

Local CI, common for HIV Patients who have low immune system

This drug Nystatin is good for?

Anti-fungi medication especially for kids. Good for Tinea and Candidiasis

Name the order of Lower limb Artery to foot.

External Iliac Artery -> Femoral A ->Popliteal A -> Anterior Tibial Artery (Dorsalis Pedis Artery is at the top of foot) and Posterior Tibial Artery (Peroneal Artery branches off from Posterior)

Remember Deep Veins are beside arteries and have the same names.

What is the artery you feel at the posterior tibial pulse?

Posterior Tibial Artery

Name two Superficial Arteries in lower limbs.

Great Saphenous Vein and Small Saphenous Vein

Treatment for Scabies (Mites)?

Shampoo called Kwell + Anti-Histamin (anti-allergy to stop itching)

Massage for Scabies?

Full body CI. Scabies can easily spread.

Remember Scabies can easily affect the whole family.

How to clean massage room if there is scabies?

All sheets need to be washed and dried High heat.

Use High Disinfectants (boiling 20mins, 6% hydrogen perioxide,

Great Saphenous covers which area?

Medial leg, all the way up to medial thigh and join with Deep Femoral Vein

Small Saphenous covers which area?

From posterior leg (calves) and join with Politeal vein

A client has history of injecting some medicine into the gluteal area. Now he has developed some painful, red and swollen lesion around that area. He also has fever and does not feel good. What could it be?

A. Staphylococcus

B. Eczema

C. Herpes Zoster

D. Candida Albicans

A. Staphylococcus (Cellulitis) because bacteria can enter cuts/cracks in the skin (injection site), cause PAINFUL red lesion and FEVER and NOT ITCHY.

Not Candida (no low immune).

Subtalar joint is what type?


TMJ is what type of joint?


Epiphyseal Plate is what type of joint?

Synchondrosis (temporary, remember Symphysis is permanent like Intervertebral disc)

First Rib is what type of joint?


Remember, a joint is anything that connects two bones

Sterno Costal Cartilage is what type of joint?


Atlanto-Occipital joint (C1 and Occiput) is what type of joint?


Reflexology, Energy Healer, Osteopathy and Homeopathy are all regulated as complimentary?


Malignant cells are well differentiated?

False! Poorly differentiated, meaning that you can hardly tell.

Benign cells are well differentiated.

Skin cancer caused by Keratinocyte is?

Squamous Carcinoma