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15 Cards in this Set

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to be praised
laudar-i (present active = laudare) The present passive infinitive of first and second conjugation verbs is formed by changing final -e of the active to -l.
to be warned
moneri (present active = monere) The present passive infinitive of first and second conjugation verbs is formed by changing final -e of the active to -l.
Present Indicative Passive (I am (being) praised)
laUd-or, laudA-ris, laudA-tur, laudA-mur, laudA-mini, laudA-ntur
Imperfect Indicative Passive (I was (being) praised)
laudA-ba-r, lauda-bA-ris, lauda-bA-tur, lauda-bA-mur, lauda-bA-mini, lauda-bA-ntur
Future indicative passive (I will be praised)
laudA-b-or, laudA-be-ris (note -bi is changed to -be), laudA-bi-tur, laudA-bi-mur, lauda-bI-mini, lauda-bU-ntur
Present Indicative Passive (I am (being) warned)
mOneor, monEris, monEtur, monEmur, monEmini, monEntur
Imperfect Indicative Passive (I was (being) warned)
monEbar, monebAris, monebAtur, monebAmur, monebAmini, monebAntur
Future indicative passive (I will be warned)
monEbor, monEberis, monEbitur, monEbimur, monebImini, monebUntur
You (pl.) will be destroyed not by war but by love of leisure and by the plans of evil men.
Non bello delebimini, sed amore otii et consiliis hominum malorum.
Thousands of men are possessed by the love of money.
Milia hominum amore pecuniae tenentur.
A few will be possessed by love of truth and friendship.
Pauci amore veritatis amicitiaeque tenebuntur.
Books of this sort used to be given to the boys by the teacher.
Libri huius generis pueris a magistro dabantur.
Our country can even now be saved by brave citizens.
Patria nostra a civibus fortibus etiam nunc servari potest.
We ought to be warned by the fortune of other men (others).
Fortuna aliorum moneri debemus.
We are terrified by the plans of that tyrant who lives across the sea; but we love liberty, and we shall wage war with great courage.
Consiliis istius tyranni qui trans mare vivit terremur; sed libertatem amamus et bellum magna cum virtute geremus.