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87 Cards in this Set
- Front
- Back
Alges/o |
Sense of pain |
Angi/o |
Vessel |
Arteri/o |
Artery |
Astr/o |
Star |
Cephal/o |
Head |
Cerebell/o |
Cerebellum |
Cerebr/o |
Cerebrum |
Clon/o |
Rapid contractions and relaxations |
Concuss/o |
To shake violently |
Crani/o |
Skull |
Cyt/o |
Cell |
Dur/o |
Duration mater |
Electr/o |
Electricity |
Encephal/o |
Brain |
Esthesi/o |
Sensation, feeling |
Gli/o |
Glue |
Hemat/o |
Blood |
Hydr/o |
Water |
Isch/o |
Hold back |
Later/o |
Side |
Lumb/o |
Lower back |
Medull/o |
medulla oblongata |
Mening/o |
Meninges |
Meningi/o |
Meninges |
Ment/o |
Mind |
My/o |
Muscle |
Myel/o |
Spinal cord |
Neur/o |
Nerve |
Poli/o |
Gray matter |
Pont/o |
Pons |
Radicul/o |
Nerve root |
Scler/o |
Hard |
Spin/o |
Spine |
Thalm/o |
Thalmus |
Thec/o |
Sheath |
Tom/o |
To cut |
Ton/o |
Tone |
Vascul/o |
Blood vessel |
Ventricul/o |
Ventricle |
Vertebr/o |
Vertebra |
-al |
Pertaining to |
-algia |
Pain |
-ar |
Pertaining to |
-ary |
Pertaining to |
-asthenia |
Weakness |
-cele |
Protrusion |
-eal |
Pertaining to |
-ectomy |
Surgical removal |
-gram |
Record |
-graphy |
Process of recording |
-ia |
Condition, state |
-ic |
Pertaining to |
-ine |
Pertaining to |
-ion |
Action |
-itis |
Inflammation |
-logy |
Study of |
-nic |
Pertaining to |
-oma |
Tumor or mass |
-osis |
Abnormal condition |
-otomy |
Cutting in to |
-paresis |
Weakness |
-pathy |
Disease |
-phasia |
Speech |
-plasty |
Surgical repair |
-plegia |
Paralysis |
-rraphy |
Suture |
-taxia |
Muscle coordination |
-tic |
Pertaining to |
-tropic |
Pertaining to development |
A- |
Without |
An- |
Without |
Anti- |
Against |
Bi- |
Two |
De- |
Without |
Dys- |
Abnormal, difficult |
Endo- |
Within |
Epi- |
Above |
Hemi- |
Half |
Hyper- |
Excessive |
Intra- |
Within |
Mono- |
One |
Para- |
Abnormal, two like parts of a pair |
Poly- |
Many |
Quadri- |
Four |
Semi- |
Partial |
Sub- |
Under |
Un- |
Not |