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74 Cards in this Set
- Front
- Back
扫盲 |
eliminate illiteracy |
远程教育 |
distance education |
辍学青少年 |
school drop-out |
适龄儿童入学率 |
enrolment rate for children of school age |
函数教育 |
correspondence education |
升学率 |
proportion of students entering higher schools |
学分制 |
credit system |
大学生创业 |
university students innovative undertaking |
准博士 |
all but dissertation |
翻转课堂 |
flipping classroom |
边缘学科 |
cutting edge science |
同等学力 |
have the same educational level |
特困生 |
the most needy student |
民办学校 |
schools run by non-governmental resources |
社会力量办学 |
manage a school with societal resources |
在职培训 |
on-job training |
单轨制 |
one-track system |
双轨制 |
two-track system |
放宽报名考生年龄限制 |
relax restriction on the required age of exam candidates |
大学扩招 |
the expansion of university enrollment |
品学兼优 |
excellent in character and learning |
德才兼备 |
combine character with ability |
勤学,修德,明辨,笃实 |
diligence, virtue, prudence and honesty |
教书育人 |
educate a person as inform book knowledge |
灵魂工程师 |
intellectual architect |
特级教师 |
Master Teacher |
因材施教 |
individualized instruction |
人才流失 |
brain-drain situation |
人才断层 |
temporary shortage of trained personnel to replace the older generation |
复合型人才 |
inter-disciplinary talent |
走读生 |
day student |
免除学杂费 |
waiver all tuition and miscellaneous |
留守儿童 |
unattended children |
育人为本 |
cultivate the whole person as the ultimate goal |
德育为首 |
put moral education as top priority |
提升国民素质 |
improve the overall caliber of the population |
全纳,公平,有质量的教育 |
inclusive and equitable quality education |
以就业为导向 |
in a job-oriented manner |
合作办学认证机制 |
the authentication of jointly-run universities |
互认学分 |
mutual recognitiom of credits |
互授学位 |
mutual recognition of diplomas |
与国际接轨 |
be geared to international standards |
文化多样化 |
cultural pluralism |
薪火相传 |
pass from generation to generation |
教育商数 |
education quotient |
情感商数 |
emotional quotient |
学生减负 |
alleviate the burden on students |
教育信息化建设 |
the appication of IT in education |
应试教育 |
exam-oriented education |
知识产权 |
intellectual property right |
知识密集 |
knowledge-intensive |
学府 |
institution of higher learning |
科教兴 |
revitalization of tech and ed |
贯彻 |
carry out |
笃学 |
diligent |
与时俱进 |
improve in time |
恪尽职守 |
fulfill one's duty scrupulously |
小康社会 |
well-off society |
assimilation |
吸收 |
合作学习 |
cooperative learning |
批判性思维 |
critical thinking |
学术机构 |
academic institution |
periodical |
期刊 |
主动学习 |
active learning |
脑力激荡法 |
brainstorming |
多学科 |
multi-disciplinary |
学术报告会 |
symposium |
半文盲 |
semiliterate |
毕业鉴定 |
graduation appraisal |
助学金 |
subsidy, student grant |
领取助学金的学生 |
a grant-aided student |
伙食费 |
board expenses |
伙食补助 |
food allowance |
转任教师 |
full-time teacher |