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56 Cards in this Set

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Pelvic shape?

مريضة ما تعرف أو نست LMP ؟ شلون أكدر اعرف ال gestational age و بكم طريقة ؟

History:date of quiqing

Exam: fundus height

Investigation: US

18w in primipara

20 in multipara

How to expect CPD antenatally?

What does the labor depend on?

If the case is bleeding

اذا جان ال case مالك هو bleeding ضروري حيل تعرف هالشغلات لان ممكن تنسأل عليها 👇👇 note : if bleeding occur before 24 week this may be miscarriageif bleeding after 24 week this antepartum hemorrhagecauses of antepartum hemorrhage:most common causes is placenta previa and abruption placentaother causes: 1- vasa placenta ( blood vessels of baby present in membrane and cross cervical canal so any rupture membrane lead to bleeding from baby)2- trauma3- infection4- malignancy risk factor of placenta previa: 1- old age 2- multigravida 3- previous scar( ex : ceaseron)4- any operation of uterus ( ex : myoctomy , curttage)5- smoking ( risk for previa less than abruption) 6- previous history of placenta previa risk for placenta abruption:1- old age 2-multi3- smoking4- hypertension 5- towin pregnancy, polyhydramions and Rupert membrane ( any thing lead to overdistention of uterus)6- any anticoagulant drug ( aspirin, heparin)7- cocaine , alcohol8- choriamionitis9-trauma 10-IUD11- previous history of placenta abruption complications of bleeding:for mother: anemia and shock ( tachycardia, palpitations, dyspnea, fatigue, hypotension)for baby: decrease fetal movement or no fetal movementد.ميس

If the case is bleeding

في حالات ال bleeding صروري نحددومكانوالسكن

بالاضافـة الى انه بحالات ال bleeding ضروري نسأل عن منطقـة السكـن ليش ؟حتى نقدر ونخمّن فتـرة ال bleedingمثلًا اذا بيتها قريب عالمستشفـى ف نتوقع انه فترة النزف قليلـة وجت فورًا وهكـذا.. هاي النقطة ركزت عليها دكتورة تهانـي.

حتى نقيّم ال severity of bleeding

حتى نقيّم ال severity of bleeding اهم شي من خلال الهستوري نسألها اذا كان اكو clot ف هاي تعكسلنا sever bleeding او من خلال الجنرال اكزام اذا كانت pale او من خلال ال investigation (Hb level) د.تهانـي



Anemia • 1st trimester-----> less than 11• 2nd and 3rd trimesters---> less than 10.5•post partum------> less than 10د. فاطمة


Who can do examination

شنو ممكن يصير بالطفل اذا كانت الام D.M

شوكت نكول postterm وشوكت نكول postdate

Pre term

Post term


Post date

what is 2 most common complications during pregnancy?

1- UTI2-Anemia د. فاطمة

HT drug in pregnancy

اذا سوينا عملية وصار injury in bladder وخلينا catheter شوكت نشيلها؟

ليش يصير عند الحاملLoss appetit, nausea, vomiting?

Because there is delay gastric empty

بسبب تأثير progesteron و relaxin.

بشنو نشك اذا ماكو morning sickness بداية الحمل

شوكت ننطي ٥ غرام folic acid?

اهمية ال Foley catheter

Post partum haemorrhage

Vernix caseosa

Types of dysamenorhea:عسر الطمث



Nitrofurantoin is the first line drug ( antibiotic ) for UTI in pregnancy.

اذا كان ال chief complaint CC هوdecrease fetal movement



Causes of rupture membrane (RM):


When we are depend on LMP to calculate GA?

1/regular cycle

2/not lactating

3/not used contraception

sign of rupture uterus

First sign of rupture uterus

Fetal bradycardia(مهمـة)

Then : bleeding , change in abdominal contour , easily baby palpable per


Cause of breech presentation Baby

Cause of breech presentation Baby


*Twin pregnancy

*Congenital anomali Maternal

*placenta previa

*Uterine fibroid

*uterine anomaliوممكن ما اكـو اي cause بس هم يصيـغ breech presentation (idiopathic)د.فاطمـة

Fundal hight بعد الولادة

بعد الولاده

-Fundal height normally we can see below the umbilicus about 2cm

-But can see above the umbilicus in the case of(Postpartum hemorrhage)

اكثر من دكتوره ذكرت هاي الحاله ..

Question: What are the post-operativecomplications of cesarean section?1

1- Thromboembolism: pulmonary embolism and DVTs. The main cause of maternal death. Can be prevented by early mobilization, hydration, and administration of prophylactic heparin.

2- Postpartum hemorrhage

3- Infections in the endometrium or abdominal wound site

4- Psychological trauma


Question: what are the intraoperative complications of cesarean section?


1- Hemorrhage

2- Cesarean hysterectomy

3- Placenta previa

4- Injuries to nearby viscera like bladder and rectum.

The most common infection in women is UTI ( urinary tract infection ) .د. ذُكاء .


hydatiform mole


Physiological change in pregnancy

Source of anoniotc fluid and is function

Why the fetus have jaundice?

h.mole case

تكمله h.mole

Placentae abruption

Case miscarriage

Case ectopic pregnancy

Case labour pain