You could name reasons such as the Ku Kluk Klan, Jim Crow Law, taxes and poverty. The one that stood out to myself the most, showed me that the blacks were still slaves in the South, limited to what they could and couldn’t do. The black codes were used at the beginning of the Reconstruction whereas freedmen, the blacks still had pressure about things like when to meet with friends. They were restrictions on the way a freedman should live. The black codes denied blacks to testify against whites, to serve on juries or in state militias, or the right to vote. “We are not permitted to own the land whereon to build a schoolhouse or a church …” One black complained about having limited restrictions during a black convention in Mississippi. The death of slavery obviously didn’t mean the birth of freedom for
You could name reasons such as the Ku Kluk Klan, Jim Crow Law, taxes and poverty. The one that stood out to myself the most, showed me that the blacks were still slaves in the South, limited to what they could and couldn’t do. The black codes were used at the beginning of the Reconstruction whereas freedmen, the blacks still had pressure about things like when to meet with friends. They were restrictions on the way a freedman should live. The black codes denied blacks to testify against whites, to serve on juries or in state militias, or the right to vote. “We are not permitted to own the land whereon to build a schoolhouse or a church …” One black complained about having limited restrictions during a black convention in Mississippi. The death of slavery obviously didn’t mean the birth of freedom for