Why Should School Start Later

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Why should school start later in the morning? Believe it or not the starting school earlier causes health problems by making the teenagers depressed. Not caring their about their education. Even getting into accidents since the students could be way too tired. Which causes students to have pathologically sleep by waking up early for school. Middle school to high school education gets really important for college. Education improves if school starts later in the morning, by attendance, test scores and homework. There are forty states have at least 75% of public schools that start earlier, like Wyoming, minnesota, and Colorado found out shifting the school day later in the morning.

There are some research that in the morning teens think more from what they ate for breakfast makes them work better. Also known, attendance would drop by students showing up late. Instead of going to school at 6 or 7 am, it’s better off at 8:30 am. What’s the rush to get to school too early? It would only get the students exhausted. School takes up hours of sleep for teenagers have to sleep 8 or 9
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When there’s people who are caring enough to help the students middle-school to high-school with anything. Teens develop, learning about the real world and focus on their education for the successful future they would earn themselves, independently. Which means, school stresses teens more. Causing students to grow anxiety or depression. There are higher rates of obesity, depression, and motor-vehicle accidents among teens. A lower quality of life that affects a teenagers’ time to live. Sleep hours are important for anyone, especially for the teenagers. Like a phone and charger. A phone needs to be charged in order to work. An exact same situation as for a human. There a lot more health problems that can cause someone if they sleep less than 6 hours or don’t sleep at all by how busy the school got the students to work really

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