Gracen Goats
LeTourneau University
For this assignment I will be discussing why humans need socialization. The need for
socializing spreads throughout humankind. Without socialization a person can be driven to
depression, aggressiveness, and insanity. Even for people who mostly dislike socializing and
could be labeled as introverts, some sort of social interaction is necessary. Most of the time, after
socialization a person will feel unexplainably happy. A famous study attempts to explain why
this occurs. Researcher William Fleeson and his colleagues tracked a group of people, every
three hours for two weeks, recording how they 'd acted and felt during each amount of time. They
found that those who 'd acted "talkative" and "assertive" were more likely to report feeling encouraging emotions such as exhilaration and eagerness. Everyone feels happier when they socialize, determined the researchers - introverts included. (Cain, S. (2011, March 11). To Socialize or Not? That Is The Question. Retrieved October 23, 2015) The definition of the word ‘socialize’ is, to mix socially with others. ((n.d.). Retrieved October 23, 2015, from As humans, society is how we survive. We would not be able to thrive as a species if we did not have a well- established society. All over the world there are many different cultures and societies. It is imperative for children to socialize from birth in order to develop properly. Children who do not get the proper amount of socialization typically grow into egocentric, aggressive, and non- empathetic adults (Why is it important for children to learn socialization skills and how can teachers and parents facilitate this learning? (n.d.). Retrieved October 23, 2015.). As children, we learn how to develop outside of our egocentric mind and see the needs of others. Children learn through socializing how to recognize and respond appropriately to other people’s emotions and opinions. Having social interaction is how we are taught to act, speak, express emotions, and many other things. Human contact and socialization is incredibly essential to the survival of the human race. The Bible has many things to say on the subject of socialization. I will use the examples of a few different verses. The Bible mainly discusses socialization in regards to who to keep company with, how to refrain from negative socialization, and how to grow in Christ through socialization. The first example I will use discusses the issue of not becoming prideful or impure through negative socialization with bad company. In Luke 18:9-14 it says, “He also told this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and treated others with contempt: “Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee, standing by himself, prayed thus: ‘God, …show more content…
I say this to your shame. Can it be that there is no one among you wise
enough to settle a dispute between the brothers, …” (1 Corinthians 6:1-20, English Standard
Society’s views on socialization are generally positive. Most everyone will not say that
socializing is a bad thing. In fact, most people hold socializing in an incredibly high regard.
Being in high social standing is something that a staggeringly large amount of people strive to
obtain. The more social and outgoing people are the ones that most individuals are drawn to.
Outgoing, social people garner attention and attract people to themselves easily. The more shy
and quiet individuals are not nearly as socially well-standing as individuals who find
socialization natural. Most people are familiar with the two different personality types of the
‘extrovert’ and the ‘introvert’. Everyone will fit into one of these two categories. Extroverts are
people who gain energy from socialization. The definition of an extrovert is an outgoing, overtly
expressive person (Google. (n.d.). Retrieved October 23, 2015, from …show more content…
They are typically the more popular people, as they find
socialization natural and tend to become friends with anyone that they meet. An introvert is
someone who loses energy through socialization and feels drained after prolonged periods of
socializing. This does not mean that introverts do not like to socialize, they just prefer alone
time. The definition of an introvert is a shy, reticent person (Google. (n.d.). Retrieved October
23, 2015, from
instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=what are extroverts). Each individual