Most people thought the best answer to this was illegal immigrants take all the jobs from the poor Americans who have a birthright. One man named Randy Rhodes who was the president of processing plant felt differently. Rhodes had problems for many years trying to find Americans with the will to as Rhodes explains,” grab a knife and stand ten or more hours a day in a cold, wet room for minimum wage and skimpy benefits.” Majority of his workers were Guatemalan until there was a law known as the HB56 which was put in place to scare off the illegal workers and punished businesses for hiring them. It served its’ purpose well by driving away immigrants who feared being deported back to their …show more content…
During a time of apprehension and deportation of immigrants some eight hundred jobs were left vacant and about three thousand American applicants went after the jobs. About half the American were hired to refill the positions. Starting pay was $4.87 per hour. The other half were immigrants that returned to get their jobs. Most of the Americans quit the jobs in less than a week. After interviews from a few of the Americans most said they quit because they felt that the jobs were “dead-end, demeaning, and underpaying” says one American. Most of the interviewees believed Americans just did not want such low quality jobs. Some said they would have reevaluated if pay had been better. For example, The Cooper brothers of Houston found the pay inadequate, as Billy Wayne Cooper said, “It was too hard work for cheap pay.” He received $3.50 per hour to repair railroad tracks for a construction company. Billy Wayne also stated,” I could have slung hamburgers and made more money than that out there in the hot driving a pick.” This proves useful to my essay because it gives insight on why Americans usually do not like to go after “dirty jobs”, also it gives a good amount of information on the Americans who do seek these jobs because they are unskilled and there is little job opportunity elsewhere. I think the source is a strong one, I did not notice any flaws in the data the was