Who Is Andrew Jackson Dbq

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a) In 1824 there were four candidates running for president John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, William Crawford, and Andrew Jackson. All these candidates were republicans
i) Andrew Jackson was more appealing to the people but he lost most of the votes from the electoral college ii) Since there was a tie of votes, the 12th amendment stated that the House of house of representatives would need to vote and decided who would be the president
b) Henry Clay helped John Quincy Adams become president, and Clay was later appointed Secretary of State i) People called this the corrupt bargain as the people felt they had been cheated due to who the winners were

a) John Quincy Adams urged Congress to build roads
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b) Adam's followers said many nasty things about Andrew Jackson even though Adams himself didn't want to say anything nasty about Jackson

a) Andrew Jackson was the seventh president of the United States, and was the first president from the West i) He was also anti-federalist
b) His troops called him Old Hickory due to his toughness i) He vetoed a lot and most of the time ignored the Supreme Court ii) The Conservatives called him the King Mob

a) The spoils system gave people positions in office if they were supporters i) Was during Jackson's presidency
b) Jackson argued that every person was good as every other person was
c) Samuel Swartwout was appointed as the post collector of New York, and was the first person to steal a million dollars from the government
a) The tax were increasing a lot
b) The supporters of Jackson planned to raise the tariff rates up, however they didn't actually want the bill to pass as to make Adams look bad i) The plan failed and the Tariff of 1828 passed ii) The tariff mainly helped the North, and the South called the tariff of 1828 the Tariff of Abominations
c) There was a slave rebellion in Charleston led by Denmark Vesey who was a free

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