Lord Capulet caused the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Lord Capulet tried to control who Juliet should marry. If Lord Capulet let Juliet marry whoever she wanted, Juliet would not feel the need to hide her and Romeo’s marriage from Lord Capulet. Juliet should have enjoyed her marriage with Romeo instead of Lord Capulet making her marry Paris, which led to her going to Friar Laurence to construct a plan in order for her not to marry Paris. Lord Capulet moved up the wedding day. If Lord Capulet had not moved the wedding day up a day, the plan that Juliet and Friar had created would have gone smoothly. Yet since he had moved the wedding day up, the plan did not go …show more content…
Juliet could have just obeyed her father and just married Paris since Romeo became banned from Verona anyways. Yet Juliet could not of just married Paris because she previously married Romeo, therefore she could not have obeyed her father in. Juliet could have told Lord Capulet that she previously married to Romeo. With Juliet too frightened to tell Lord Capulet she had already married Romeo, she could not tell Lord Capulet and did not want him to force her divorce Romeo or be disowned by her own