Until now, the standards to which Australian dieticians prescribed by were the national standard that strongly focused on the development of scientific knowledge . Emerging body of research shows that the importance of effective practitioner—patient communication vital to a healthy practice and outcome. The evidence is shown through a survey that was conducted in 2008 by R.P. Cant and R.A Aroni for the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics. The survey has sampled dieticians who were working in hospitals, community or private practice, and quotas of their adult patients were interviewed, the results suggested that four main communication competencies were established, one of them being the importance of interpersonal skills. Within this communication style aspect such as partnership (85%), listening (98%), empathy (100%), positive communication (86%) and reinforcement (91%) was mentioned. All these components help in making an affective practice—although the interpersonal aspects are often invisible they reflect personality traits and motives. However, the values that are help by dieticians can also be seen as skill. For example, although a dietician may feel respect for a client as an individual and also show respect towards making sure their physical and emotional are met, he/she may demonstrate or communicate the need for reduction of anxiety through means of supportive and positive communication. Thus maintaining the professional air needed when dealing which such counselling matters. Every day dieticians and/or nutritionists must be able to communicate nutritional information, hold counselling sessions, workshops and or run media forums ect. The form of communication that is vital for all these aspects of the field is known as verbal communication. Verbal communication is done though speech related gestures; this helps to enforce the message that is trying to be conveyed. To keep the communication open between the practitioner and the client the dietician needs to know and understand how to create a supportive climate that will allow for rapport to be built. This is a climate where one speaks and the other listens and visa versa. All these aspects come under the area of counselling competence. Having the ability to be able to critically listen, collaborate and speak to a degree that is both professional and nurturing . Within a survey that was conducted in 2008, 92% said that expert listening skills are needed in the field of dietetics. Since verbal communication is done through gestures and speaking, it is clear that 92% would have said its needed, this is because without such a form of communication the health professional will not be able to affectively help with client though the health issue that they are facing. Having a clear tone of voice, using appropriate language, active listening, asking and rephrasing questions all help in ensuring that the client gets the best treatment possible. Without …show more content…
The importance of communication within this line of work is most defiantly underestimated, as within this filed each practitioner needs to understand and effectively learn how to counsel, speak and educate his or her client. Having good communication encourages collaboration and helps prevent errors. There is little evidence that show how dieticians communicate, but it is a known fact that the different communication styles are used. All these assist in creating what is known as a dietician and go towards helping their patients see a future that is healthy and on