Back in Ancient Greece, many people wore were Chitons, Peplos, Himation, Chlamys, Undergarments, Fasteners and Buttons, Footwear, and Jewelry. The fabrics often used for their outfits were silk, linen, and mainly wool. Most Grecian women would wear a tunic underneath a dress of white wool, the wool would be loosely strapped around their shoulders, crossing around their neck, and two golden circular plates sat on both shoulders. This traditional Grecian dress influenced the Toga in Ancient Rome. The Toga was a white dress with a tunic underneath while one piece of the dress lied over your shoulder with a golden embellishment around the waist and a golden circular plate on that same shoulder. The Greeks were influential in not just their own culture, but in others as
Back in Ancient Greece, many people wore were Chitons, Peplos, Himation, Chlamys, Undergarments, Fasteners and Buttons, Footwear, and Jewelry. The fabrics often used for their outfits were silk, linen, and mainly wool. Most Grecian women would wear a tunic underneath a dress of white wool, the wool would be loosely strapped around their shoulders, crossing around their neck, and two golden circular plates sat on both shoulders. This traditional Grecian dress influenced the Toga in Ancient Rome. The Toga was a white dress with a tunic underneath while one piece of the dress lied over your shoulder with a golden embellishment around the waist and a golden circular plate on that same shoulder. The Greeks were influential in not just their own culture, but in others as