My main goal is to keep …show more content…
Patsy Stanly. Mrs. Stanly can help determine which classes to take at RichmondCC to transfer to a four-year university. While at Richmond Community College, I plan on taking the following courses to transfer to NCSU: three Biology courses, two Physics courses, four Mathematics courses, two English courses, four Chemistry courses, and three elective courses. During the review of the applicants, North Carolina State University Faculty and Staff will give preference to those who participate in extra-curricular activities and can show positive proof of interest in the program. NCSU released a group of statics about the average student accepted into the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences; the statistics include: 4.41 high school GPA average, 1203 SAT average, and 55.8% of students rank in the 10% of their high school class.
Overall, the College of Veterinary Medicine at North Carolina State University is a great program for students to be enrolled in, while teaching them to be successful in life and having a compassion for their career. If I pursue my dream career as a veterinarian, I will always thrive to give back to my community, while being active in the communities 4-H livestock programs. 4-H brings many valuable assets to children's lives in ways few other programs can do. It teaches responsibility, community service, and leadership skills, which are all great qualities for veterinarians to