In order to become a veterinarian you must first earn your high school diploma. After obtaining your diploma, earning your bachelor's degree will give you the best chances of acceptance into a veterinary school program. Some vet schools, however, will admit students with several undergraduate credits such as animal biology, zoology, and animal nutrition. Admittance into veterinary schools is extremely competitive. High grades, required letters of recommendation, and experience with veterinarians can help boost your chances of getting accepted over other, less experienced applicants. Some schools also require certain scores on either the Medical College Admission Test or Veterinary College Admission Test. Veterinary colleges are usually a four year program following an …show more content…
A regular day for a small animal vet consists of working in a small private practice spaying and neutering, treating wounds, diagnosing diseases, setting broken bones, and prescribing medication. Large animal vets spend more time travelling to their patients to diagnose and treat illness and disease that pertain only to livestock. Commonly treated animals are cattle, horses, sheep, goats, and pigs. Other common responsibilities of a large animal vet is to assist with problem births, artificial inseminations, vaccinate and draw blood, take ultrasounds and x-rays, and perform