The narrator’s descriptions of the wallpaper become more detailed as her obsession and mental breakdown begins to take over. “It was a nursery first, and then playroom and gymnasium, I should judge, for the Windows are barred for little children, and there are rings and things in the walls” (Yellow Wallpaper 84). This is the first use of imagery that gives the viewer a clear picture of the room that she is living in, and that she is disillusioned in thinking the room is a nursery, gymnasium and playroom. With imagery, the author gives a hint at the room she is actually living in and that it is a padded cell with bars on the windows to keep her from getting out and “the rings and things” are actually chains on the wall for restraints. Another quote from the story is, “I live here on this great immovable bed –it is nailed down, I -believe in follow that pattern about by the hour”…