Ian Gibson loved hunting. He had grown up hunting in the woods with his father, and there was nothing he liked more than packing up his gear for a new adventure. After some soul searching, Gibson finally had his chance to take his hunting game to the next level. Instead of scouring the backwoods for game, he was going to start big game hunting.
To support his dream, Gibson developed his real estate business and sold houses. When the real estate market collapsed in his area, he needed another way to fund his big game hunting. While he struggled to keep his real estate business afloat, Gibson also started to sell smuggled ivory on the side. Between his smuggling and the few real estate sales he was able to make, Gibson was barely able to keep his family out of bankruptcy courts.
Unfortunately for Gibson, ivory smuggling is a serious crime. After getting caught, he was convicted and forced to pay a huge fine. His wife was shocked to learn about how he made their money and left him. Unable to make ends meet, he was desperate to try anything to make money. One day, Gibson happened to see an online casino that offered a free spin promotion. After making a small deposit, Ian Gibson ended up winning $2.5 million. With the money, Gibson was able to buy his way out of debt and a luxury home. Best of all, he now had a trophy girlfriend who was beautiful and more accepting of his lifestyle than his ex-wife. Finally, everything was falling into place. With the jackpot winnings, he would have time to hunt big game in Zimbabwe and spend time with his girlfriend. Kissing his supermodel girlfriend good-bye, Gibson set out on a hunting trip with his closest friends. - Insert a picture of Ian and his girlfriend posing in a trophy room. Main: While it seems like Ian Gibson was living the dream, his hunting trip did not go according to plan. Paul Smith was working as the managing director of Chiguti Safari and hired Ian for a big game hunt. According to Smith, the exact circumstances of the disaster are still unclear. The American client went out …show more content…
Within a second, the bull trampled Gibson into the ground. The hunters nearby were shocked by the graphic scene. Later on, they paid tribute to one of the best professional hunters to ever visit Zimbabwe. Fellow group members drank to the memory of a man that they said was a fine hunter and honest man.
- A picture of Ian posing with ivory tusks and a rifle.
According to Paul Smith, several people are killed during big game hunts each year. It is notoriously dangerous, but people know that they are taking a risk when they go on the hunt. More importantly, Zimbabwe desperately needs the money from hunting to finance the national park system and prevent poaching.
The Dallas hunting club that Gibson took part in will be paying for the costs of his funeral. Ian Gibson is survived by a son and two daughters. According to the latest reports, his ex-wife, girlfriend and children are suing each other for the remainder of Gibson's fortune.
- Insert a picture of a luxury home.