To get people to follow a leader, a leader has to definitely earn trust from his team members. Russell (2012) believes that leaders who build trust operates with three trust basics which is they give trust, they effectively communicate, and they genuinely show up. A supervisor and Peer Leader 's job is a tough one because they are highly depended on. Supervisors have to trust their employees and Peer Leaders have to trust their students as well as have the communication line kept open. Since supervisors and Peer Leaders are depended on, it is essential for them to show up and help get the job done. A few points that Russell (2012) believes that allow a leader to gain trust from others are leaders are passionate about their work, they care about other people, they listen, they are good at what they do, and they see beyond self. All leaders have to be able to gain trust from their team members and peers, this is what both Tony Dungy 's mother and Nan Russell is saying. Although supervisors and Peer Leaders may earn their trust in different ways and during different durations of time, both leaders will not be able to effectively lead a group until the trust is there; also in a reciprocity …show more content…
His memoir Quiet Strength, provides two valuable leadership theories, being a role model and earning trust as a team leader. These theories also delivers a deeper understanding of what is takes to be a successful leader. The articles by Stanley Loewen and Nan Russell helps to enhance the theories presented by Tony Dungy and Nathan Whitaker in the memoir Quiet Strength. "If you want to make a difference in the lives of the people you lead, you must be willing to walk alongside them, to lift and encourage them, to share moments of understanding with them, and to spend time with them, not just shout down at them from on high" (Dungy