Penner's Influence On Body Image

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The Penner’s (2003) introduce the reader to where it all began, in the book of Genesis. They guide the reader through scripture so they have the foundation set in their mind that God created man and woman and made them in His likeness. In Gen 1:26 it says “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” God makes it clear that what He has created is very good in verse 31 of Genesis. The Penner’s (2003) then direct the reader to the dimensions of man and woman as it reflects the image of God. Those dimensions are sexual functioning and functioning in relationship as a couple (Penner & Penner, 2003). God’s first command given to man and woman was to “become one” which is the sexual function of man (Penner & Penner, 2003). The Penner’s (2003) view is that the act of sex between a man and a woman is what makes them one total person. After establishing that God did create sex as a part of man’s function and that it is a good thing, the Penner’s (2003) then direct the reader into understanding how sex relates to man’s relationship with God. The authors use much scripture to bring awareness to the fact that sex is a symbol of God’s desire to have a deep and intense relationship with His bride, that being the church. According to the Penner’s (2003), this symbolization proves that sex is much more than just a physical act, rather sex is a total giving of oneself. Total meaning body, mind, spirit and will (Penner & Penner, 2003). The Penner’s (2003) explanations of sex and the fact that God designed it to be used as a vessel to be closer to Him appear to be scripturally correct. The authors back up their assertions with not only one verse but many. They make a point making use of as much scripture as they can that supports the claims being spoken of. They do not start the book out by trying to explain what sex is, but they go right to the foundation, the beginning establishing facts from the Word of God and follow from there to establish the relationship between sex and God, the creator and His bride. The Physical Dimension Body Image The Penner’s (2003) seemed to put much significance into body image. They made a very compelling argument that when Christ made the commandment for people to love their neighbors as they would themselves that “He was actually spelling out the principle that your feelings about yourself affect your ability to love someone else” (Penner &Penner, 2003, p.35). They assert that to the extent that we love ourselves, this would include body image, we are able to love our neighbors to that degree (Penner & Penner, 2003). With that claim, it is …show more content…
The first factor is sensory experiences both internal and external. (Penner & Penner, 2003). Internal being the feelings inside which the Penner’s assert cannot be changed but only understood and external input which comes from the outer world (Penner & Penner, 2003). The second factor that the Penner’s (2003) say affects body image is verbal feedback one receives from significant others growing up (Penner & Penner, 2003). The last factor that the Penner’s claim affects body image is comparing oneself to others and having a set ideal of what body image is and people tend to go with what their culture sets for that ideal (Penner & Penner, …show more content…
In fact, it is encouraged by the authors to have active exploration of the genitals in early childhood so they are able to fully enjoy their God given feelings. Their assertion is that having the freedom to enjoy these natural feelings that God gave in the body allows for them to fully enjoy sexual pleasure in marriage (Penner & Penner, 2003). They also give self-exploration exercises for adult men and women in order to familiarize themselves with their likes and dislikes and to help instruct their spouses for sexual

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