Thomas Paine Common Sense Summary

Improved Essays
Laney Kasper
3:35 MW
Analysis of Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” In 1776, Thomas Paine anonymously wrote a series of pamphlets that were targeted at the average member of society, and they showed his belief in the American Revolution. Thomas Paine wrote a series of pamphlets anonymously in 1776, targeted at the average member of society, showing his belief in the American Revolution. Paine was an extremist, and most of his ideas stemmed from The Enlightenment. Throughout the series, Paine discusses society and government in a comparative way. Thomas Paine chose to remain anonymous at the time of writing Common Sense, and it is understandable why. In the first chapter of Common Sense, Thomas Paine challenges monarchy and the corruption within,
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Thomas Paine wrote this paper to raise awareness, but remained anonymous to keep his life. In his pamphlets, Paine spoke about how wrong and twisted he believed the British government was. Common Sense was also heavily focused on how we need to win the fight against Britain and to gain our independence. For the first chapter in Thomas Paine’s pamphlets, a big focus was on monarchy and how it had a negative impact on the colonies, with the “wickedness”. Thomas Paine explained that through hereditary succession, the throne was occupied by a specific person and when that person died, their family heir would succeed them. The people did not have a voice in the election of their leader and he uses that as one of the reasons the colonies should fight back against the …show more content…
Thomas Paine explained that Britain is an island, and that the colonies are a continent. By this statement, Paine was asking the people the question “why are we letting something smaller than us, have ultimate control over us?” If we, the colonies, are the continent, we should be the ones in power. However, even if a middle ground could have been met between the colonies and Great Britain, the two sides were already in the midst of conflict. Thomas Paine truly believed that having ties with England was severing our personal economics and that the colonies would never be seen as independent while having such a strong reliance to Britain. Thomas Paine explained that England is entangled with kingdoms, kings, and monarchies. So each time England went to war with another country, American trade was subsided to that country resulting from Britain’s conflict, because of the tie between the colonies and

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