Mr. Montegomery
U.S. History/ Period 4
12 March 2015
This Day In History (TDIH) - Holocaust The Holocaust is a period of time in history which began in 1933 and ended in 1945, at the end of the war. Between this time periods 11 million people were killed including 1.1 million children. Out of the 11 million who died in the Holocaust, 6 million were Jewish and it destroyed about 5,000 Jewish communities. The Holocaust began when Adolf Hitler gained control of Germany and he formed the Nazi party, which eventually led to the beginning of World War II. The Nazi Party, led by Adolf Hitler, took individual freedom away from Jews and transported many to labor and death camps where many were killed. About two thirds of Jews living in Germany were killed by Nazi’s in the Holocaust. Not only did the Holocaust kill 11 million innocent people, but it also destroyed society itself. The Holocaust left many thousands of people difficult to rebuild their life because of the trauma they experienced. Many of the Holocaust survivors decided to leave Europe moving to Israel or the United States to help try to regain their life. According to the American Psychological Association, Holocaust survivors who went to live in Israel after showed a better adjustment than those of the survivors who went to other countries. Before the Holocaust in 1933, about 9.5 million Jews lived in Europe and just 17 years later in 1950 only 3.5 million Jews lived in Europe. The Holocaust impacted those who suffered and many survivors went into posttraumatic stress disorder. Many survivors lost their family and friends, so they had to start their life over again, adjust to their new life, and have the strength to make a new life. Sonia Weitz is a Holocaust survivor who was taken to death camps just at the age of eleven. Being a survivor, Weitz created the Holocaust Legacy Partner, where survivors share their stories. Just by sharing her experiences, Sonia Weitz has influenced many around her and has shown those around her how speaking up can make a difference. Another survivor of the Holocaust who went through seven different concentration camps while she was only 14 is Gloria Lyon. She currently lives in San Francisco and has dedicated her life on educating others of her experience in the Holocaust. The Holocaust is a significant time period in history that is still taught today in many classrooms around the world. …show more content…
It is important to know about the Holocaust and the significance, in order to prevent something similar from happening again. Learning about the Holocaust is important because it addresses and evaluates how one person can change the world and leave such a huge impact. The after effect of the Holocaust includes leaving Europe in a mess and is a mark in history that will never be forgotten. The Holocaust made society realize how mass killings can happen and how giving power to one person can destroy a country. Also it has shown the world how misconceiving our society can be. Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany on January 30th 1933 and by March of the same here had established the first concentration camp, Dachau. Hitler was very influential and by April of 1933 boycotts against Jews begin. Just two years later in 1935, Jews lose citizenship and civil rights in Germany. Between the next ten years, 1935-1945 Jews were taken to different concentration camps. In 1945, allies invaded Germany and were shocked at what they saw at the concentration camps. Hitler commits suicide and when Germany surrenders and the war in Europe ends in 1945. The top four worst concentration camps during this time period were; Auschwitz, Treblinka, Ebensee, and Sobibor. Auschwitz was one of the most famous camps of World War II and was known as a death camp known for killing about 22,000 people per day. In total approximately 1.1 million people died at this camp. Treblinka was also a death camp and labor camp. The workers were forced to work until they no longer could and were then sent to the death camp. About 875,000 people were killed at this camp. Ebensee was known to be one of the worst concentration camps because of the