As an American German Theodor Geisel experienced bullying from school children who often called him, “Drunken Hun as his father’s family produces beer in the city.” Resulting from these events in his childhood he often found himself staying away from large groups. Throughout his life these events show up in later works reviewing discrimination through the narrative of the Sneeches. Keeping to himself he finished high school and went onto college at the age of 18 to Dartmouth in New Hampshire. Around 1920 due to Prohibition the family beer company closes its shop, and Theodor’s father was appointed by Mayor John Denison to supervisor of the Zoo. In his later life Dr. Seuss begins to create what later becomes coined, unethical Taxidermy from animal parts his father sends him from the zoo. At college he joined the Fraternity, Sigme Phi Epsilon and the Jack –O-’Lantern newspaper. During prohibition at college Theodor was found guilty of throwing a party with a bottle of gin. This stunt cost him his position of editor of the magazine and the beginning of his pen name Seuss. Graduating from Dartmouth and telling his father a white lie about a scholarship to Oxford Dr. Seuss took his first voyage overseas to attend his first year of college at Oxford. Lasting one year Seuss dropped out of college after the endorsement and support of later wife Ellen a former Wellesley graduate and 5 years Seuss’s, …show more content…
Seuss and wife Ellen moved to California an enlisted, working for the navy and army in the first ever motion picture department for the US services. In 1943 collaborative efforts with animator Chuck Jones producer of Bugs Bunny created a series of cartoon shorts on a character they created called Snafu. These works became a visual aid for the young service men fighting over seas. This series was recognized by the United Stated rewarding both Seuss and Jones with the Legion of Merit Award for their work. Later in career, He was asked to create a documentary first in 1945 where he vilified Germans from his documentary entitled, Your Job in Germany, excerpts from the film describes how every German is a potential source of trouble and should not be trusted”, and later is film, Designed for Death in 1946 which later received him an Academy of Award. One could argue that his work contributed to anti-Japanenses and German sentiment. These pieces of propaganda shows a completely different side to Dr. Seuss, exemplifying his need to assimilate to American beliefs following the support in the war efforts. After the war was over Dr. Seuss stopped working in advertisement and military educational and documentary brainwashing films of Patriotism.
Later in his book Horton Hears a Who, we begin to see personal reflection of discrimination and bullying in this book. His intension behind this book and later movie criticized the involvement of rounding