The Course Of True Love Never Did Run Smooth Analysis

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‘The course of true love never did run smooth’ this is as a result of love complications in the midsummer night’s dream by Shakespeare. Different interpretations of love are aimed at showing what being in love could lead to when you think you are in love and yet you are not. This expresses how easily emotions can be confused and be changed as a result of power expressed in different kinds of love. The essay tries to explain what problems and troubles that one can get into as a result of love.
The author has expounded different kinds of love presented in the midsummer night 's dream by Shakespeare are agape love which is referred to be that love in relation with God, and it is very rare for it to occur between two people, simply it’s the
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This because there long life behavior has been affected by the romantic love which seems to have changed everything based on their friendship relation. The behavior change of Demetrius and Lysander causes conflict between Helena and Hermia.
Love is one thing in life that has got power more so the romantic love which we previously saw that can make one behave irrationally. This kind of love can make many people not to be in good terms. However, having the right interpretations of the kind of love you are in greatly helps to minimize the troubles one can face. Demetrius is just in a fake love with Hermia and this deceives her that it is romantic love which finally turns out not to be within one night.
Shakespeare shows that love can be misleading; this is whereby one will be forced to do what he or she should not do to make his or her partner fell at home or satisfied. This is seen where Lysander and Hermia decide to run away after she was refused to marry Demetrius by her parents. Again we can say love is blinding this is because Hermia is not taking the time to think about the consequences of running away from the parents. This is also seen where Hermia cannot realize that they are not in true love with

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