Throughout the book, Reuven and Danny’s …show more content…
These two men believe very differently, yet Danny learns much from his elder and Rev Malters becomes an excellent example and role model for Danny. For example, in the book, Rev Malters mentions that Danny will continue to read whether someone recommends new books to him or not, and that he wants to positively influence on Danny. Rev Malters truly cares about Danny, wanting him to grow and mature intellectually as well as spiritually, and as a result mutual respect and even friendship grows between the two men. “I am very grateful to you, Mr. Malter, for everything” (85). Danny appreciates everything that Mr. Malter has done for him, and continually expresses feelings of gratitude and respect. In order for a sort of friendship to develop between Danny and Rev Malters, they both had to first learn to open their minds to new ideas and respect each other. The friendship between Mr. Malters and Danny Saunders reveals that anyone can develop strong relationships with unexpected people if willing to open their mind to new ideas and allow themselves to