The Six Principles of IDEA The first major principle of IDEA is zero reject; this means that all students with exceptionalities in a public school must be educated regardless of the child’s disability. Zero reject is required for all students between the ages of six and seventeen. In the classroom, as the teacher, I will need to include all students with exceptionalities (Heward 2013). All the students in my classroom must receive an appropriate education no matter the severity of their disability. I will need to be sure that I meet each student’s individual needs to help them succeed. There may also be specific accommodations and modifications that I will need to make to better help the student …show more content…
The LRE requires that the student with exceptionalities be educated with other students that do not have exceptionalities to the maximum extent appropriate (Heward 2013). Student’s with exceptionalities should only be removed from the general education classroom when the nature of the exceptionality prevents the student from receiving an appropriate education (Heward 2013). To be sure that the student with exceptionalities is being educated in the LRE appropriate, schools need to provide constant placements and services. A least restrictive environment will look like a classroom full with students that have a variety of needs. This will impact the classroom teacher because I need to know what is appropriate for the student and how long the student should be in the general education