My essay will be about a movie we watched in language arts class, “The Pianist”. The movie is about the life of a Jewish polish pianist that lived in the time of World War II. The movie shows the difficult time that the Jewish people passed. A Holocaust is a destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war. The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jewish by Nazi regime and its collaborators. When the war began, in 1933 the Nazi believed that Jewish were “inferior” and the Germans were “racially superior”. Germans also target other groups of people because of their “racial …show more content…
The city of Warsaw was the capital of Poland, flanks both banks of the visual River. A city of 1.3 million inhabitants. The capital of the resurrected Polish state in 1919 was Warsaw. Before World War II begun, it was a major Jewish city in Poland. Warsaw Jewish population was of more than 350,000 constitutes about 30 percent of the city’s total population. It was the largest Jewish Warsaw in both Poland and Europe, and was the second in the world, only to New York City. Inside the Warsaw, the people were hungry and weak. People were starving and suffering from cold weather. Inside the Ghetto most of the people were poor, so they could not buy food for all their families. Sometimes people scape the ghetto to sell something in the Polish city and get some money. They pass under the walls, and if a Nazi soldier catches someone, the soldier punishes him, or kill him. Other times, people from outside the ghetto through food to the Jewish people inside the ghetto. Inside the ghetto, the people didn’t have human rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a milestone achieved in the history of human rights. Written by representatives with a different culture and legal background from all parts and regions of the planet, the Declaration was a proclamation by the United Nations General Assembly in France, Paris December 10 – 1948 (General Assembly resolution 217 A) as a topical standard of success for all nations and the people. It was set out, for the first time, fundamental human rights to be universally secured and it has been passed in over 500 different languages. “Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of a person” that is one of the 30 rights