Rolling Stone is an American magazine that concentrates on popular culture so that the most of the readerships are young, loving pop music or TV shows. The publication of the article just when the last piece of the Batman movie called The Dark Night Rises was being released. There are more than 15 Batman movies have been produced and released in the past six decades. Lethem chose to publish this article on Rolling Stone is for the sake of attracting more comic fans and explained reasons that Batman has been popular for so many years is because Batman is "the only human superhero."
A preface gives a general idea of the article or how to develop the idea. In Lethem's text, his starting strategy was to use a preface with the following sentence: "Tortured, violent, complicated – why we can't let go of the Dark Knight" (40). These neutral and even derogatory adjectives above describe the most authentic Batman from Christopher Nolan's pack of The Dark Knight. The use of "why" gives …show more content…
In the sixth paragraph of the Lethem's context, he depicts that "Batman is also goth. His unbearable whiteness, his revenger's isolation, his animal-cultist's affiliations, his occupation of Gotham City." This quote logically demonstrates that Batman is entirely consistent with Gothic attributes. Then he reasonably points out Batman is an American Dracula since Dracula is a famous European vampire who has a lot similarity with