The Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights states clearly that the people’s right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed on. This has led to one of the most complicated and volatile issues in America today. People on both sides of this issue have strong beliefs. Some argue that when our founding fathers wrote the bill of rights, the guns were not as deadly as the ones available today. Supporters of the Second Amendment today argue that people’s right should not be infringed on no matter what.…
Fundamental rights are granted through the Constitution of the United States, and are a part of our liberty and freedom. Also, The Ninth Amendment reads, “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. In other words the right to bear arms should not be taken away from anyone. Opponents of gun control consider the right to bear arms in some sense a fundamental right, and having those rights taken away is unconstitutional. Although the Fourth Amendment protects the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, it doesn’t protect against felons possessing a firearm.…
Lately, it seems that every time you turn on the television, there is an incidence of gun violence in the news. School shootings, domestic violences, and other forms of firearm brutality make up most of the content displayed in the media, calling for a possible increase in gun control in the United States. This controversial subject has become a common topic of debate all over the country: should civilian-use of violent firearms be limited or prohibited, or should the decision to possess these guns be up to the individual person? There are many arguments supporting and opposing the government 's right to restrict the rights that the Constitution imposes. Some argue that taking weapons away from the people is a violation of the Second Amendment, while others argue that guns have changed too much over time for the allowances of the…
Gun laws are one of the things that won’t get everyone satisfied. Everyone has a different opinion due to either political views or past experience. Some may prefer the idea of gun control or banning guns is the only to stop deaths. According to the National Survey of Law Enforcement, “many proposed gun control measures – including bans on assault weapon – will be ineffective at reducing violent crime and that legal gun ownership by private citizens would prove a better safeguard.” Although having a strict gun control may have it’s benefits when reducing death, we must use gun control moderately to decrease the amount of illegal activity surrounding guns.…
Did the framers of the Constitution intend for every U.S. citizen to have the right to bear arms? It is scary to think about what would happen if everyone in a mall had a gun. Under the Second Amendment, American citizens have the right to bear arms and that right should never be violated. Although that is true, gun control is needed because thousands of US citizens are killed every year from the misuse of weapons.…
The Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights states, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the rights of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” However, many believe that it has been, in fact, infringed upon. Gun Control laws have been passed along with many other measures to make it hard for someone to buy and own a gun. But is it necessarily a bad thing? The Government has compromised on the Second Amendment, but it is for the sake of security of the people and the nation.…
Gun control can be defined as, “any action taken by the federal government or by state or local governments to regulate, through legislation, the sale, purchase, safety, and use of handguns and other types of firearms by individual citizens” (Lee). America has internally debated the issue of gun control for over a century. It continues to be an important and pressing issue today in the United States. There are no set standards for gun control. Each state varies in its laws.…
Gun control is a very uneasy topic in our country right now, but i believe use more stricter gun laws won’t help anything. Crimes laws even have a chance to rise because people won’t be able to defend themselves from criminals. According from the article Misfires in Gun Control Debate that a study conducted in 2013 showed that the deaths from homicides is over 500,000, but gun have only killed 350,000 people which is still horrible but shows that guns have only caused some of the problems. If you take away guns then people will have no way to defend themselves against criminals and the deaths in America will just keep rising guns level out the playing field. Yes, guns do bad things…
Gun Control is Not the Solution Increased Gun Control in the United States is absurd, useless, and unnecessary. In order to increase safety all throughout the United States time and effort must not be spent towards limiting gun owners of their rights. The tragic rash of school, religious, and workplace shootings has turned up the heat on the public conversation about guns. In nearly all of these cases gun laws would not have stopped the shooters from obtaining a firearm.…
Although there are valuable reasons to incorporate gun laws in our society, what consequences are Mike Pence and the residents of Indiana willing to risk? By enforcing stricter gun control laws, it would give the government more control over citizens, which would cause some to feel upset that they have lost some of their rights. Having stricter gun control would give us less freedom causing turmoil among many individuals. If stricter gun control was implemented, people would feel less safe. The reason mentioned above and conveyed below show that stricter gun control laws are not the best option in solving the gun control debate.…
Gun Control can be Dangerous Gun control has been a very controversial issue in the United States for centuries. It gets worse after every mass shooting because it causes both political sides to debate on whether or not to implement stricter gun policies that will make it much more difficult for people to obtain a weapon. The founding fathers wrote the second amendment because they were afraid of a government that would become too big an oppressive. They believed that people should have the right to protect their families if there is ever an attack like an intruder attempting to harm your family. There are many countries that have tried to implement stricter gun control policies, policies that have persuaded United States officials to…
Gun control causes a lot of violence and crime in the U.S., there needs to be more restrictions. Make it harder for Americans to purchase handguns, but can carry them as concealed weapons for protection. In the last year, ten thousand seven hundred and twenty eight people died from getting shot by a handgun(Gun-Control Dishonesty). Handguns should only be for protection, not because you want to kill someone. The second amendment states that it is your right to bear arms(Gun Control Costing States).…
62% of the 31,000 deaths caused by a gun are suicides (Cornell 2). According to Arthur L. Kellerman, MD, “residents of homes where a gun is present are 5 times more likely to experience a suicide than residents of homes without guns” (A Case for Gun Control). I have experienced the effects of suicide within my own family. One month ago, my cousin Marisa committed suicide. She was 26 years old and had been diagnosed with schizophrenia a few years prior to the tragic incident.…
Going back to the idea that the government could take away all the firearms from civilians, we have to face the fact that even that would not protect anyone. Instead, it would put many people in danger. The law to take away guns would not affect criminals, because criminals do not follow the law. Without guns for protection, the law-abiding citizens would be helpless to defend themselves against the criminals who would now be the only citizens with guns. The law that was meant to protect would actually lead to the victimization and possible death of law-abiding citizens.…
The Gun Control Act of 1968 prohibited the sale of guns to several types of individuals consisting of minors, people with criminal records, disabled, illegal aliens, dishonorably discharged military personnel and others. In 1993 the Act was changed by the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act. This Act said that background checks for all unlicensed carriers had to be done before they could purchase any firearms from a licensed dealer. However, there has been discussion that there is a “gun show loophole” in the Firearms Owners Protection Act of 1986 which allows all people, including convicted felons, the ability to purchase guns without a background check. While many people have decidedly formed opinions on gun control, the debate is complicated…