It has the three major components of any traditional Orthodox church, which are the narthex (vestibule), the sanctuary (the altar or the holy place), and the nave (the church 's body). These decorations and features have many meanings and values for the Eastern Orthodox culture, in which every aspect of church 's part is treated and considered as a holy characteristic of Saint Michael church. Churchgoers in Saint Michael church show their respect and homage for the church through honoring every section of the church. In the church, people honor and respect the narthex by entering the church with fear and devout. They stop there for a short time to kiss the church 's icon, and to lit the candles on the left and right side of the church 's icon. These actions symbolize the confidence and comfort that people step inside the church with. In the nave, where people spend the majority of their time inside it, is respected through total quietness and excellent listening to the holy service. And Finally, the sanctuary (alter) is respected by the people through obeying the God 's will and the advices that are given from the priest (Father Timothy). It is also respected by the priest and the servants through holding a faithful, straight, and holy service. Saint Michael church 's place and rituals are clear and prominent examples of …show more content…
Each Sunday, the holy service starts with the Orthros (morning service or praying) that has a lovely metaphor. The metaphor of the Orthos service is the church effort to awake its parish to come and gather inside it as an unity family. When the parish responds to the church 's call and gathers inside its space in the morning, the firm bonds between the church and its followers are revealed. Although Saint Michael church 's parish is small and possesses diversity, these bonds always exist in Saint Michael church. Prothesis, which is a short preparatory service, that comes before the Divine Liturgy. During this service, servants turn on the light, in the chamber, as a symbol of Jesus existence in the spirit of the people in church. Prayers participate deeply, strenuously, and vigorously in this service to show and express their honest, fair, and truthful emotions and actions about the concept of living with Jesus. They sing and praise in one voice that lives in one body. This statement has the meaning that establishes and firms the presence of Saint Michael 's church