Boyatzis (2008), define competency as a capability, ability or an underlying characteristic of an individual which is casually related to effective or superior performance. It is a set of related but a different set of behavior organized around an underlying construct, which we call the “intent”. The behaviors are alternate manifestations of the intent, as appropriate in various situations or times. Competence is a cluster of related abilities, commitments, knowledge, and skills that enable a person (or an organization) to act efficiently in a job or situation. Competencies indicate sufficiency of knowledge and skills that enable someone to act in a wide variety of situations (Aketch and Karanja, 2013). …show more content…
It help in evaluating the vendor and his efficiency in the process.
Top Management Support and Procurement Planning
The importance of top management support for successful procurement planning implementation has for a long time been recognized in the Supply Chain Management literature The need for top management support is also well established among other practitioners. In a recently conducted survey among senior members of the council of supply chain management professionals, top management support is identified as the most important facilitator for implementation of procurement planning.
Despite top management support, importance in implementation of procurement planning activities, the commitment for procurement planning issues from top management is however in adequate. Top management not often has an effective role when it comes to procurement planning and supply chain management issues. In Eisenstein and Thompson‟s (2006) survey on Chief Executive Officers perspectives on Supply Chain Management, on 23 percent of the responding Chief Executive Officers were responsible for driving development and execution of a supply chain …show more content…
This study established staff competency affects procurement planning the study therefore recommends that the organizations should come up with a framework that identifies the skills and competency levels required by all staff involved in the procurement planning. This will assists individuals to take ownership of their personal development through skills assessment, identification of training and development needs and career planning. The framework should also ensure compliment without replacing existing personal development tools in an organization.
3) Management support is very important in procurement planning therefore, top management should as a matter of urgency support the procurement department by allocating more resources and encourage trainings to improve the skills and knowledge of the procurement staff. They should ensure that there is procurement plan from all departments and are followed to improve service delivery and avoid incomplete projects. A good procurement plan is associated with sufficient resources to perform the job this includes right people to do the