Themes And Symbolism In The Scarlet Letter, By Nathaniel Hawthorne

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Nathaniel Hawthorne is one of the most respected and recognized early American authors. His written stories are filled with both exciting events and disheartening scenarios. The unwritten story of his life, however, is just as interesting as his novels and short stories. Hawthorne was born on July fourth, eighteen hundred and four in Salem, Massachusetts. His birth name was actually Nathaniel Hathorne; he would later add the “w” to his name to distance himself from his ancestor, John Hathorne. Hathorne had been the only judge involved in the witch trials of Salem, Massachusetts in sixteen ninety two.
Hawthorne’s father was a member of the East India Marine Society, but unfortunately would succumb to yellow-fever in eighteen hundred and eight,
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His work had been criticized by his peers of the time, including Edgar Allan Poe and Ralph Waldo Emerson, though often, neither were positive about his work. During Hawthorne’s time, his work was held in high regard as being morally pure. Today, the study of his work, focuses on the psychological complexities, and symbolism he is known for weaving into his novels. Hawthorne released three popular romance novels, including The House of the Seven Gables and The Blithedale Romance, but one of Hawthorne’s most recognized and noted works is his The Scarlet Letter. This masterpiece of literary work was released in eighteen hundred and fifty, and is arguably Nathaniel Hawthorne’s best …show more content…
Dimmesdale being a minister is seen as pure, but as time goes on it is revealed that he too is prone to sin. His secret sin is that he is Pearl’s father. He feels so guilty about his sin of adultery, that it begins to manifest in his body, mind, and soul and presumably leads to his death. Chillingworth, on the other hand, is filled with anger and determination to find out who is the father of Pearl. He proves time and time again that there is no length he would not go to find out, even if it was at the cost of his very soul. This self-destructive behavior is another trademark of dark romanticism.
Although today dark romanticism is an already established writing style, in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s time it had not been completely established. This is why his works are so important to the romanticism movement. His use of the puritan lifestyle, not only help people today understand how different things were in early America, but they also gave his stories a kernel of truth to cling to. Puritans, as well as sin, are a common theme in Hawthorne’s

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