Sexual abuse is the involuntary of developing immature children or adolescents in sexual activities. It can be in a form of rape, pornography, molestation, prostitution, exposure, incest, or any sexually explorative activities.
Physical abuse is a physical injury which can cause a result, such as punching, beating, kicking, or anything that causes harm to the child. Such injury is …show more content…
It includes not providing food, shelter, clothing, appropriate medical care, or proper weather protection. Can also be educational, where the parent doesn’t allow the child to go to school, buy the materials needed for the child to be involved in education activities.
Emotional (verbal) abuse is a pattern of behavior that impaired the cild’s emotional development. This may include constant criticism, threats or rejection of love. Emotional abuse can be difficult to pend down because there is no sign to look for. Some children will hold back their emotions. In most cases emotional abuse starts with yelling or anger goes too far or when a parent continously threatens or dismisses a child’s feelings are …show more content…
1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be sexually abused before they turn 18.
9% of reported child abuse cases were sexually abused.
34% of people who sexually abuse a child are family members.
12.3% of girls were age 10 or younger at the time of their first rape and 30% age 11 and 17.
27.8% of boys were age 10 or younger at first rape
96% of people who sexually abuse children are male and 76.8% are adults.
325,000 children are at risk of becoming victims of abuse each year.
In conclusion, prevention of child abuse is better than a cure. Child abuse is many different ways, not just one. Child abuse leads to many bad effects not only for children that are being abused, but also the person who abuses the children. We should prevent it from getting worse as the children today will be a leader tomorrow. Sexual, physical, mental, verbal, and emotional abuse is all not good for children to undergo. We as parents need to provide a safe, secure environment for our children.
Works cited
Child maltreatment 2013. Published: January 2015. Department of human services.
Back, M.C. Basile K.C. Breding. The national intimate partner and sexual violence survey. 2010