The concept of the week was Hygiene. It helps the nursing student to develop a skill on how to shower and bed wash a patient and how to promote Hygiene. According to World Health Organization (2016), hygiene is about practice that will help in maintaining good health or preventing spread of infections. Cleaning the environment, sterilizing the equipment’s, performing hand hygiene, using hand rubs, disposing medical waste are examples of basic skills that a nurse must practice in the hospital (World Health Organization, 2016). Furthermore, effective communication skills must also be practice to promote a therapeutic relationship and to use time wisely while educating and counselling the patient (Crisp, Taylor, Douglas, & Rebeiro, 2013).
The practise setting of General Surgery has a professional team that is committed to provide a supportive and quality care. They also work all together to create a therapeutic healthy environment, to achieve a better patient experience. (Taranaki District Board Health, [TDHB] 2013) or it is where nurses provide a care to surgical patients before and after …show more content…
The patient and his family gave consent and quoted that patient’s mobility level is poor for moving to other places and that patient gets dizzy immediately when standing for just how many seconds. This shows that the student nurse meets the Code of Conduct Principle 1 about respecting the dignity and individuality of the patient by demonstrating ability in working along with the patient’s family or whanau and respecting the families own role in the patient care. (Nursing Council New Zealand, 2012). And the student nurse used effective communication to be able to gain their consent and patient’s trust or the patient will feel more comfortable along with the student