Research suggests that to have a high quality, an adequate level of funding is needed for the program to operate effectively with high-quality facilities, staff training, equipment etc. The sustainability of high-quality childcare services, that is accessible and affordable for all, depends on the amount of public funding available (Lai, 2013, Pg. 5). Public funding could be made available through vouchers, tax credits, and subsidies, and the funding could either be supporting the childcare services directly or indirectly, through parents/families in form of vouchers, tax credits, and subsidies. The term used by organisations like OECD to refer to public funding that is directly funds the program is supply-side funding, and the term for public funding provided to the families/parents who need to purchase childcare is known a demand-sided funding. …show more content…
The demand-sided funding model treats families and parents as consumers and the childcare services (Friendly, 2011). The supply-side funding model which is considered as an investment model is considered to be far superior to the demand side model, as the former promotes stable quality throughout childcare services as well a high-quality coverage of the childhood population than the latter model (Friendly, 2011). Research has also suggested that demand-side funding does not positively affect affordability, availability (Childcare Resource and Research Unit, pg. 1) in the field of early childhood education, which are considered to be predictors of quality. Overall. According to OECD supply-side funding, has been observed to yield effective control, better national quality, effective educator training, a higher degree of equity, access and participation (Friendly, 2011). According to Friendly (2011), there are two different approaches to viewing funding in early education setting, one is viewing funding through a continuum. One side of the continuum, there is the individualized model and it slowly moves towards the systemized model. The individualized model refers to the supply-side funding where the funds are closely associated with the individual or families, and systemic funding is the supply-side funding, which fund the childcare operations uniformly. There are various approaches that fit along the spectrum. The Spectrum could be divided into three different funding approached based on the extended of individualized or systemic involvement. Under individualized model, which is also considered as “parent-funded” model, cash payments such as the Universal Child Care Benefits (UCCB) in Ontario, is directly given to the family, and the family is given the freedom to decide how