Generally, the format is simple and easy to follow; the directions are clear and concise; the question order is logical; the phrasing is clear and understandable. The response strategy is appropriate to elicit participation; it eliminates the spirit of reluctance to answer, as evoked by open ended questions some participants experience due to the lack of knowing what or how to answer. For the majority of the questions, the participant is merely required to select the most appropriate response.
Contrarily, the questionnaire’s design hinders thorough participation. Primarily, it is very long and detailed; this inhibits the possibility or participant interest to complete the survey. The question matrix becomes cumbersome; some of the questions, specifically the one pertaining to nonmember golf play (question 21), require superfluous assessment and evaluation of circumstances and consequences of change. This particular question requires too much thought and evaluation to warrant participation in this portion of the questionnaire. Another flaw of the survey is the instructions; they seem to be contradictory in nature and confusing: “complete this” yet “leave blank” and “do not feel qualified” promotes doubt and ambiguity. The instructions also demand the participant