Personality differences in the cycle of social-emotional development are abnormal, but the strength or fluency of emotions can fluctuate greatly from one child to another. Personality tends to have an assortment of responses that are referred to as temperamental differences. Temperament is described as individual differences in reactivity and self regulation (Berk, 2007). There are three types of child temperament. An easy going child will quickly begin a normal routine in childhood and is commonly joyful and settles in to new experiences. A difficult child is unbalanced in daily schedules, slow to recognize new skills, and is likely to respond pessimistically and strongly. A slow-to-warm-up child is inactive, shows easygoing small involvement responses to environmental stimuli, is pessimistic in mood, and adjusts gradually to new experiences. Temperamental qualities are thought to be established throughout life. Children who are lively and tranquil as a newborn can be expected to be lively and tranquil as older children, teenagers, and …show more content…
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