HS is at a definite risk for loneliness (Carpenito, 2013, p. 380). Loneliness can be defined as being “at risk for experiencing discomfort associated with a desire or need for more contact with others” (Carpenito, 2013, p. 380). Due to HS being at risk for impaired social interaction (Carpenito, 2013, p. 611), it leads her to try and repress her feelings in fear that her friends or family will not want to listen to all of her problems. Her medications and chronic diseases have led to her not being able to work and see her friends that she used to work with. Not being able to see people and having school be her main priority and time consumer it can lead to her being isolated and not having contact with people. HS is someone who has always had a small circle of friends due to her moving around so much growing up. Coming to college, and being used to not having many friends and being an introvert has lead her to only have one good friend in college to be able to talk to. Something that completely hinders HS from going out of her way to explore the city and meet new people is her fear of the city. HS states that she “hears of all the criminal activity going on, and it scares her to leave campus and go to new places”. Being at risk for loneliness (Carpenito, 2013, p. 380) can lead her situational depression to increase due to the lack …show more content…
HS is at the doctor multiple times a month to deal with her chronic illnesses, reads the labels and takes the medication exactly how it is prescribed, and asks the doctors to clarify things if she is confused on anything. If HS were to fix and work on her Impaired Social Contact (Carpenito, 2013, p. 611) and her Risk for Loneliness (Carpenito, 2013, p. 380) it can help her to improve upon her overall health status. Having more social interactions will help with her mild situational depression and her anxiety. Having less symptoms will allow her to stay home and not have to go to the doctor as much, therefor giving her more time to meet new people and continue working on her social interactions. HS is someone who is very satisfied with how she takes care of her current problems. Understanding that some of her problems could be fixed by branching out of her shell and creating bonds with people is something that will help her in the long run. HS is diagnosed with Readiness for Enhanced Self Management (Carpenito, 2013, p. 724) and I think that by understanding the root of some of her problems, she could drastically improve her health