2.3.2. Interview questions design
As an interview is an interchanged process between interviewer and interviewee through questions and responses, …show more content…
It is proposed that an introduction about the project and myself are given to the participant at this phase. Preliminary ethical requirements are also paid attention to in this phase by obtaining the participants’ informed consent. Although the ground rules of my research might have been discussed with the participants prior to the interview, it is aware that these ground rules are reiterated before the interview starts. The next step is to begin the interview with questions about participants’ demographic information, for example, age, current occupation, years of experience and so one. I also deploy some warm-up questions in order to build the relationship with the participant, as well as attempt to create a relax environment for the participant. These questions are not necessarily closely related to my research topic, rather it centres around some simple daily matters, for example I might ask: “How many hours have you taught today?” or “It is near international women’s day, do your school have many fun events for