I often never found time to do these beforehand, and my happiness project was intended to give me time. I expected this to bring me happiness because Rubin said that making an activity rare had the same effect as doing it everyday. When you do an activity you enjoy everyday, it brings happiness just as doing it once a week or month. Finally, my fifth resolution was to spend at least an extra hour with friends and family. It’s hard for me to balance school, sports and friends, so creating time where I have to do the latter seemed to be a good idea. I expected leisure time with friends or family to bring me happiness. Adding all five resolutions together was a plan that I felt would work both sides of my issue. The first side being not having enough time, where the first three resolutions will solve this by forcing me to use my time better. The second side of the issue being using my leisure time better, which the last two resolutions made me spend it with friends and doing activities I enjoyed. For me, these five resolutions were my Happiness Project, feasible goals that I felt would bring me more happiness
I often never found time to do these beforehand, and my happiness project was intended to give me time. I expected this to bring me happiness because Rubin said that making an activity rare had the same effect as doing it everyday. When you do an activity you enjoy everyday, it brings happiness just as doing it once a week or month. Finally, my fifth resolution was to spend at least an extra hour with friends and family. It’s hard for me to balance school, sports and friends, so creating time where I have to do the latter seemed to be a good idea. I expected leisure time with friends or family to bring me happiness. Adding all five resolutions together was a plan that I felt would work both sides of my issue. The first side being not having enough time, where the first three resolutions will solve this by forcing me to use my time better. The second side of the issue being using my leisure time better, which the last two resolutions made me spend it with friends and doing activities I enjoyed. For me, these five resolutions were my Happiness Project, feasible goals that I felt would bring me more happiness