This law made it so that no merchant could sell certain materials above a specified price and if they did, they would be subject to a fine. It also put a wage cap on Frances citizens. These laws were meant to last until the end of 1994 and the reason for restricting the liberties of its citizens was to try and create more equality among them. If the gap between the rich and the poor was narrowed and all citizens had access to necessary materials then they would be more inclined to be supportive of the revolutionary cause. The plan for the leaders of the Republic was to grant citizens these liberties once its citizens became in their eyes, more
This law made it so that no merchant could sell certain materials above a specified price and if they did, they would be subject to a fine. It also put a wage cap on Frances citizens. These laws were meant to last until the end of 1994 and the reason for restricting the liberties of its citizens was to try and create more equality among them. If the gap between the rich and the poor was narrowed and all citizens had access to necessary materials then they would be more inclined to be supportive of the revolutionary cause. The plan for the leaders of the Republic was to grant citizens these liberties once its citizens became in their eyes, more